Sunday, September 28
So bright ,
Friday, September 26
When it turns out wrong ,
Tuesday, September 23
A friend i still remember ,
A friend like you isn't easy to find , now i have you locked up inside. I'm not gonna let you go just like that , cause our friendship is a fact (: No way i would ever forget you, our friendship will remain strong and true. With or without a boyfriend , we'll still be friends till the end (: INGAT TU , okay ?
Oh and to the Single Ladies out there , Nadhil sedang mencari , silalah hubungi saya untuk keterangan lanjut (:
Sunday, September 21
Caught up ,
Drown ,
Want to know something ? I MISS SCHOOL :O I didn't go on Friday for certain reasons , and heck i didn't get to see Miss Elami :( Sheeeeeeeeeeesh ! I miss them random freaks i meet everyday at school , i can't believe i just said that. Usually school is the last place i want to be. Well duh , pretty obvious it's all cause of the dramas and attention seeking assholes -.- They just make me wanna puke , gahh ! I listened to all the songs in my playlist and craaaaaap , i realized all trouble and chaos i've been through. And i'm still wondering how i'm still standing. I imagined i would be wearing all black and sitting in the corner and not wanting to be noticed. But heck , i'm the total opposite right now. I just wish i could fix back every single mistake i did , i wish i could turn back time. But hey , sometimes dreams don't come true . We just have to be strong , and stand still , accept that simple fact :) Ain't that hard right.Today was a lazy day for all of us , just watch Made Of Honor with Ila . Laughed my huge ass off till my stomache aches. Other then that , i texted with Adeeb the whole day :O Well , he was the one that woke me up , sheeesh i knowwww . But heck who cares , i love him (: haha . Mhmm, You know it's just making me sick seeing all these screaming girls drooling over Jonas Brothers. Well yeah , i love their music , it kinda cheers me up and makes me wanna sing , Lol. But to think again that i have to see their faces over & over again almost at every single MySpace profile i open , it's just sick -.- Over rated muuuch . They are hot , but don't over rate them please , it's just a big turn off :| You got what i mean ? Lol , okay i'm crapping , i better go now , taa <3
Friday, September 19
Farewell ,
Wednesday, September 17
A day to remember ,

Bubble pop ,
Played guitar hero , went online , cooked maggi , and texting with adeeb the whole day , hoyeah , that's all i did. best tak ? (: har har hell no . I wanna go out wehhhh, sheeeesh. I miss alot of people right now that it's too much to mention. I wish i could just get this one week to go out and meet all those people i'm wanting to hug real bad. But nooooo , mama won't let me -.- I love you mother <3
I love my boyf (: oh oh oh yeah i do. hahaha :) I'm tired and running out of ideas, toodles <3
One , two , three

It's not everyday you can find someone that would always remind you that you mean the world to them. It's not everyday you can find someone that would do anything to prove how much they love you. It's not everyday you can find someone that can make you feel so loved and needed. It's not everyday you can find someone that would give you sweet poems and quotes just to make your day. It's not everyday you can find someone that knows how to make you not stay mad at them for too long. It's not everyday that you can find someone that would make you feel so secured and safe. It's not everyday that you can find someone like Adeeb Fiqri Zainal Abidin<3
Thursday, September 11
Sincerely Me ,
True Friend,
You're a friend that I can count on,
To life my spirits and never let me down.
You're a friend that I trust ,
To make me happy and never make me frown.
Because of some certain reasons.
But each time I see you're face,
My world seems like a better place.
You're always there when my spirits need a lift,
Now I realize that our friendship is a gift.
Bright as a diamond and precious as gold,
I do believe our friendship will never grow old.
I'll be here to help you through your day.
I promise you I'll always be here all through the way.
I'll be here through thick or thin ,
Just to let you know you're a true friend
Friends will come and they will go,
As time goes by we will grow,
Time by time i will age just like you,
But I promise our friendship will stay strong and true
I wish that I could repay,
All the help you've been giving.
You've been there always ,
So caring and yet so loving .
You're the one I can count on and understands me so deep,
I'd like to be that kind of friend you've been all this long,
I wanna keep this friendship true and strong.
You're the friend that can really show you care,
Always helping and telling me what's fair.
Being there each time I shed tears,
And lifting my spirits up through the years
Picture of Life ,
trying to understand it more each second,
but i realised there are so many lies,
So easy to understand but so hard to learn.
what's infront of me are fake and unreal.
Betrayals and heartbreaks everywhere.
They deny it but all i can say is what i feel.
I'm still standing and holding on to my soul.
Day by day my hope seems to sink,
I start to think what's left to hold.
Looking for the stranger in my life.
I realised how foolish i've been all along
believing in all those tiny lies.
but everything seems to happen so fast.
Every heartbeat, soul, breath and mind,
Has a meaning that's not easy to find.
All the pain and pressure that you can feel.
Cruelty with a cold heart is just a trend,
The reason it's hard to find a trusted friend.
something i've been planning to let go.
Too much ego and too much pain,
It's time to walk down memory lane.
i could be that someone that meant everyword i say ,
without giving fake hopes and promises
To make you smile and turn that frown upside down,
i'll lean you a shoulder and wipe off those tears you shed.
loving you and caring for you without asking you to change one bit .
by telling you how you light up my life .
and i'll never get bored of doing that as long as you stay
and be there to hold you as you go through each of that problem.
i wont care what they say and let them care bout imperfections, i dont.
and tell you that everything's gonna be alright as long as i'm here .
by just being who i really am.
to pull you back up and hold you close.
to brighten up you're day and make sure you're okay.
giving you poems and telling you how i really feel from the bottom of my heart.
cause i want to be who i could be .
who i am is who i want to be , and who i want to be is who i could be .
This is who i am and i won't change .
*i took this from my MySpace Blog cause since i'm no longer using it :) Some poetry i've wrote myself :)
Break the silence ,
School ? Oh yeah yesterday , pfth , had drama practice , well i mean for english . And woohoo , i hate my scenes , slightly liking it but heck i don't like the way i am in that , but what the heck , it's just a drama for our oral test , hoorah -.- Well , Mr. Nice Guy seems to like it , pfth bahaha . I just like seeing his face , sheeeesh stop making a big deal out of it people . Okay , as i was saying , school , we sucked at our BM report , haha big time weh :| It was like , dull , TOO DULL , but yeah whatever , what's done is done :)
Oh and yeah , i love her , him & them <3 style="font-style: italic;">" i'm here , everything's going to be alright , i love you xxx " I don't know how else to ever repay them for everything that they've done for me , i love you peeps <3
I don't have much to say , so yeahhh , i love you bestfriend and i love you gay ass <3
Tuesday, September 9
Slow down ,
Nothing special happened today , same ol same ol boredom. I had to see my juniors fight over so many reasons , boys, lies, copycat, betraying and blabla. That just made me laugh for some reason cause i was in their shoes . I wish i could just tell them to let it be , but hey , let them learn their selfs :) I laughed alot just so i wouldn't think too much anymore. Although i'm still missing that person , babi . Urgh .
We played charades in English class today , damn it i laughed my ass off. I had to be the instructor cause none of them had any idea how to play -.- So me and Eela went up front and had to guide them through the game. It was funny though , they had no idea what they were doing. Haha but yeah , we had fun :) And oh , school's still boring though ;p
I'm full , i'm bored , i'm tired but not sleepy , and i'm fucking messed up , bahaha :) Chow <3
Loopty Loop ,
Sunday, September 7
Take me out ,
Gay Ass (:
We were talking about exams and schools blabla , suddenly he felt like saying,
Nadhil : Haha but next year i dah free gila gila ah kan,
Icky : Not reallyyyy , nanti you kene pegi PLKN, and then lepas tu you kene register college or maybe kerja , wowww freeeedomm kan ?
Nadhil : Ah but tak kesah ah kan , i boleh bangun pukul berapa pon i nak , tapi you nanti .. hahahhahah. Nnti i drive datang shah alam and i bawak you jalan-jalan , then i rogol you and then i hantar you balik, okay chun ?
Icky : You nak rogol i pahal do ? Jahat gila !
Nadhil : Mcm tambang duit minyak ah bawak you jalan-jalan , hahahahha
Icky : Kuang aja do you , tampar kang .
Nadhil : Eh tak do , i memaen je ah , i snnye takut ngn prmpuan oh ,
Icky : Haa ye la tu , this is so going in to my blog .
Nadhil : WEHH TAKPAYAH LA DO, sumpah kalau you masuk kan i merajuk gila babi punya.
And then there's more gay part that we had , banyak gelak lah kot , but whatever , sayang you lah niggaaaaa :D Oh and one more thing , he asked " Hari tu i dah ckp you lawa , skrng i nak tanya , i handsome tak ? " HAHAHAHA you kacak lah abang botak :D takpayah nak gay dengan i sangat ah kan ;p Nak merajuk jugak ke ? Malam nanti i pujuk , don't worry . HAHA , pegi belajar lah , esok trials , love you nigga <3
Saturday, September 6
Speak up ,
Friday, September 5
With or Without words ,
Thursday, September 4
When you can't get through ,
Holidays was fine , *psst!* I really did shop till i dropped , well i don't mean literally -.- Duhhh. It was fun though , but hell yeah i missed the people back home and the life back in Malaysia , damn i was so tired of checking out Indonesian Hunks that i just let it be and wished to be home , A S A P :| Exams went fine , well not that fine , but yeahhh kinda okay i guess. Results ? *whistles* i radther not talk about it , ahah .
Life is just how as it is , i can't say it's cruel and i can't say it's dull . It's simple the way it is , with all the dramas and crimes . Too much dramas going on . Well , yeah to all those people out there, say what you want and do what you want, cause all i can do is just pray and hope for the best that you'll stop and get bored of it sooner or later. Cause i'm tired of fighting over you and i'm tired of pushing all these emotions away. YEAH , i am breaking down and i am miserable , go shout out HOORAYY out loud and buy yourself a cake , it's your lucky day. Just what you wanted all these while. You want all the people to like you ? TAKE IT (: You want all the attention ? TAKE ITTT (: You want all the people to praise you and treat me like shit? *dingdingding* We have a winner (: I'll just go up to you and shake your hands , with all my guts i'll say Congratulations Ol Pal. *sigh* Yeah, i am very very very tired of all these shits happening. How people has been really unfair and only collecting every mistakes a human can make instead of all the wonderful deeds. What do they expect ? We ain't a barbiedoll , we ain't superman or wondergirl , we are who we are and who we are is who we want to be. So why judge someone for being them selfs ? Open up your eyes and see clearly, thank you (: I may not be as pretty as you pretty people , i may not be as fancy as you fancy people , i may not be as entertaining as you fun people , and most of all i may not be a great friend as all of you, and i'm sorry .
Woah , i speaked up pretty well :) But yeah whatever , did to many speaking up but nothing changed, it's still how it is. Shits happening , and dramas day by day , different episodes , i wonder what's tomorrow episodes about :/ I just hope , i really really hope , it'll turn out to be a happy ending. Although i'm very thankful of who i have now, they know who they are and i don't need to mention anymore i guess :)
Oh yeah , it's the Fasting Month, siapa tak puasa hari ni ? ANGKAT TANGAN! haha ;p Well , i don't think i'll make that as a big deal , cause it's not like i don't see guys walking around with drinks slash foods in their hands after OR during school :) Har har har , it's too normal . Agree anyone ? I ate alot during berbuka , lemme rephrase that with capital letters , and maybe bold it too , i ate ALOT during berbuka . Much better. Too much that i could barely walk , but then i had to babysit 3 brats , but good thing Nadhil teman , haha gay ass talking about doggy style, and he was beside the mosque , ish ish apa nak jadi you niiii Nadhil ;p Har har har , syg you lah gayyy .
This turned out longer then i expected :| I'm kinda messed up right now , so yeahhh chow <3