Holidays was fine , *psst!* I really did shop till i dropped , well i don't mean literally -.- Duhhh. It was fun though , but hell yeah i missed the people back home and the life back in Malaysia , damn i was so tired of checking out Indonesian Hunks that i just let it be and wished to be home , A S A P :| Exams went fine , well not that fine , but yeahhh kinda okay i guess. Results ? *whistles* i radther not talk about it , ahah .
Life is just how as it is , i can't say it's cruel and i can't say it's dull . It's simple the way it is , with all the dramas and crimes . Too much dramas going on . Well , yeah to all those people out there, say what you want and do what you want, cause all i can do is just pray and hope for the best that you'll stop and get bored of it sooner or later. Cause i'm tired of fighting over you and i'm tired of pushing all these emotions away. YEAH , i am breaking down and i am miserable , go shout out HOORAYY out loud and buy yourself a cake , it's your lucky day. Just what you wanted all these while. You want all the people to like you ? TAKE IT (: You want all the attention ? TAKE ITTT (: You want all the people to praise you and treat me like shit? *dingdingding* We have a winner (: I'll just go up to you and shake your hands , with all my guts i'll say Congratulations Ol Pal. *sigh* Yeah, i am very very very tired of all these shits happening. How people has been really unfair and only collecting every mistakes a human can make instead of all the wonderful deeds. What do they expect ? We ain't a barbiedoll , we ain't superman or wondergirl , we are who we are and who we are is who we want to be. So why judge someone for being them selfs ? Open up your eyes and see clearly, thank you (: I may not be as pretty as you pretty people , i may not be as fancy as you fancy people , i may not be as entertaining as you fun people , and most of all i may not be a great friend as all of you, and i'm sorry .
Woah , i speaked up pretty well :) But yeah whatever , did to many speaking up but nothing changed, it's still how it is. Shits happening , and dramas day by day , different episodes , i wonder what's tomorrow episodes about :/ I just hope , i really really hope , it'll turn out to be a happy ending. Although i'm very thankful of who i have now, they know who they are and i don't need to mention anymore i guess :)
Oh yeah , it's the Fasting Month, siapa tak puasa hari ni ? ANGKAT TANGAN! haha ;p Well , i don't think i'll make that as a big deal , cause it's not like i don't see guys walking around with drinks slash foods in their hands after OR during school :) Har har har , it's too normal . Agree anyone ? I ate alot during berbuka , lemme rephrase that with capital letters , and maybe bold it too , i ate ALOT during berbuka . Much better. Too much that i could barely walk , but then i had to babysit 3 brats , but good thing Nadhil teman , haha gay ass talking about doggy style, and he was beside the mosque , ish ish apa nak jadi you niiii Nadhil ;p Har har har , syg you lah gayyy .
This turned out longer then i expected :| I'm kinda messed up right now , so yeahhh chow <3
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