It's 4.58am, i'm shivering cold , and i have to stop speaking english for this blog (: So yeah here goes my bahasa lapok. Okay , hari ni cm cibai pon ada , terkejut pon ada , babi pon ada , gelak ketawa pon adaaa (: Petang main guitar hero and online , patu gerak kuala lumpuuuur . Tapi en , sebelum gerak en , tengah hari tu en , ada sesuatu mengejutkan , ada orang tu tiba tiba tanya keluar ke tak hari ni *keningkening* Siapa ah ? Hahahhahaha . Aku tau kau tengah baca ni . Dah berzaman tak bercakap , tiba tiba tanya keluar ke takkk , haa . Ni pon bangun lagi sebab chat dengan dia , ngn sorang pompuan ni . Haa check previous blog , yang aku kutuk kutuk tu , pompuan tu lah yang aku layan gelak sampai kol 5 pagi . Pelik ? Biar ah , kau susah apa ? :) Okay , selain dari itu , AHAH . Gerak KL , ingat nak pegi big bash party apa lancau tu , tapi ada hal sikit , bonzer tu mintak kaki doh , budget je . Kalau badan cam Queen Latifah takpe gak , padehal tinggi mana je haaa . Nak kerek kerek , so tak jadi masuk , kitorang gerak Castles. Menyangap kat depan toilet dengan Ejay , sap kok sampai habis satu kotak , patu nampak ada katak lompat , icky pon automatik lompat jugak , Ejay gelak gelak sambil cakap dgn Weyna , cam sial kau Ejay. Lepas tu , masuk lepak kat dalam patu shisha , sumpah shisha tak best oh tadi , yuck . Patu kannnn , tengah cakap cakap dengan Ejay , tiba tiba ada Unknown Number call , icky pon jawab lah dengan slambe , then ada mamat neh , suara aku kenal sangaaaaaaaaaaat , tapi guna nama orang lain , guna nama orang yg aku agak rapat . Patu nak hina hina aku cam taik , nak cakap pasal pepek lah apa lancau semua , WEH DAH SANGAP TU SANGAP JE AH CIBAI , bodoh . Bila tanya siapa , taknak lak jawab . TAKDE KOTE TAKYAH PRANK CALL , perangai tu dah mmg cibai , takboleh nak buat apa. Takde life annnn , haha kesiaaaaaaaaan (: Then , tengah stress tu , pegi sap kok jap dengan Ejay , patu anta ejay kat depan , dia ambik cab balik. Lepas tu masuk balik , lepak minum jap patu balik. Dah penat , battery empty , sesat pulak tu , bongok . Sampai rumah terus capai laptop , patu secara tiba tiba ada makhluk yg ganjil tu tegur lagi kt msn , *ha'ah dia dah maju , guna msn skng , hahaha * chat ngn die cam takde masalah je , padehal gaduh besar en sblm tu , cam bodoh . Dia suka lak en nak bahan aku , mmg hobby dia . Tapi bila aku bahan balik , dia mengamuk , menyirap mcm mana pon , tu lahh fakta , tu lah ADIB FIQRI , kan ? Nak buat cm mana ? KENYATAAN DAH DOH , terima lah HAHA babi takleh doh tulis blog cakap mcm ni , tak biasa , kang gelak sorang sorang -.- Okay adeeb , puas i tulis pasal you ? I bagi you menang , you nak sangat kannn , hahah . Dah dah , and yeah pompuan tu Aina , tapi aku takde masalah dengan dia dah , jangan carik pasal haaaa , hal aku ngn dia bukan hal kau , dok diam toksah sibuk okay? (: Ada hidup sendiri , pegi buat hidup masing masing merana , takyah kacau hidup orang , buat semak. Hihi chun ! Puas adeeb ? Puas aina ? Takde bahasa omputih pon en ? Haaa icky hebat , aku tauuuu :D hahahahaha .
Okay enough , that's about it. I'm tired. And oh , atiliasyazatykaaten, i love you (:
Sunday, November 30
Friday, November 28
Spinning ,
Hello readers , pfth . I didn't do much today , infact i didn't do much this whole week. How boring can my life be ? Sheesh . Today just went to Pelita with dear brother and my dear cousin. there met several people, actually a lot -.- Stayed there for 5 fucking hours , ain't funny right ? I knowwww . That's pretty much all i did today , damn . Just hope next week i can go out , if i still can't i'll scream , seriously . It's not a figure of speech . I miss alot of people and i don't think i'm in a rajin mood to list down all of them , they know who they are <3 Okay , it's getting really lame so i should stop talking. toodles ,
Monday, November 24
Temperature ,
I don't think i have a fever , i don't think my temperature is that high. But this coughing and sneezing ain't working out either. It bugs my beauty sleep, it bugs the hell out of me :| GO AWAYYYYY -.-
Yeah , to top that of , people these days have been bugging the shit out of me . Pfth , perlu ke nak budget ? Seriously , it's pathetic. Not only you look stupid, you're also embarrassing yrself. Saying this and that about people you barely know, and badmouthing people here and there. Then you start bugging people's life and put yrself in someone else's problem. You stink up the place bitch , get outta here ! *psst if terasa , DOUBLE FUCK FOR YOU , cause i don't give out triple fucks. You know who you are , so scram ! You're such a lowclass bitch , correction A LOWCLASS LIFELESS BIATCH (: Mind my words , but heck i'll be glad if you feel offended. Haa lepas kau baca ni , pegi lah panggil brader brader kau , takut haa aku . Then go on and fuck yourself , go figure haha i know you want to hoyeahhhh , hahaha you're pathetic.
So yeahhh , moving on . Other then that , i'm living my own life , hoyeah 8] It's been hectic , but heh , i'm still breathing *thank god * He's happy , she's happy , they're happy , we're happy , i don't give a shit (: I got my own life , so why bother about other's ? Yeahhhh getting pretty tired of life though. What ever happens , let it happen. What ever turns out wrong , it'll turn out right somehow (: I just have to trust myself and keep on smiliiiing *smiles wide* I've been having mood swings , so yeah this blog is not that recently updated , teheee . I'm tired , toodles <3
Yeah , to top that of , people these days have been bugging the shit out of me . Pfth , perlu ke nak budget ? Seriously , it's pathetic. Not only you look stupid, you're also embarrassing yrself. Saying this and that about people you barely know, and badmouthing people here and there. Then you start bugging people's life and put yrself in someone else's problem. You stink up the place bitch , get outta here ! *psst if terasa , DOUBLE FUCK FOR YOU , cause i don't give out triple fucks. You know who you are , so scram ! You're such a lowclass bitch , correction A LOWCLASS LIFELESS BIATCH (: Mind my words , but heck i'll be glad if you feel offended. Haa lepas kau baca ni , pegi lah panggil brader brader kau , takut haa aku . Then go on and fuck yourself , go figure haha i know you want to hoyeahhhh , hahaha you're pathetic.
So yeahhh , moving on . Other then that , i'm living my own life , hoyeah 8] It's been hectic , but heh , i'm still breathing *thank god * He's happy , she's happy , they're happy , we're happy , i don't give a shit (: I got my own life , so why bother about other's ? Yeahhhh getting pretty tired of life though. What ever happens , let it happen. What ever turns out wrong , it'll turn out right somehow (: I just have to trust myself and keep on smiliiiing *smiles wide* I've been having mood swings , so yeah this blog is not that recently updated , teheee . I'm tired , toodles <3
Tuesday, November 11
Ecstacy ,
Yeah the bestfriend i've had since i was years old. 2 years of friendship and i'm still counting.Yeah , this year was toughest cause we've been going through rough edges. But heck, i'm not giving up this pot of gold. And i just hope she's not going to give up too. I miss all the moments i've had with her. Holiday in PD together. 1 week of sleepover. Checking out hot guys together and gossipping all night long till we both fall asleep. She's always there when i need her. Oh and when she laughs, it's the cutest :D Ican't imagine if i never even met her in 2006 , damn man , i would be wrecked by now. She's someone i want to keep till my very last breath. And our friendship is way important to me. And bie , trust me , you can never be replaced. I love you lesbie, now and always, through thick and thin. You know i will always be here for you. And i'm sorry for all the misunderstandings we had :( True Friends are forever, Fake Friends are whatever. Guess which one you are <3
Hoyeahhh , i love this adorable face . Knew her since last year . 1 year of friendship and counting :) First time meeting her was awkward, we were too shy but at the same time , we were like close friends. Infact, almost like sisters :) That was the time i first heard her laugh , i swear that was the cutest . Heee (: Fights with her i wish to throw away , cause it was a stupid misunderstanding that should never happen . We've been getting closer and closer. I trust her with all my heart. She has the best words to cheer me up. She can make me laugh so hard and smile so wide, exactly why i love her. We got cute nicknames for each other.Example pingu, lion, buntut, tetek, tyka weasely, icky potter, pet, apa lagi eh ? Haha yeah , we like to gossip and late night phone calls with her i love most. Now i would like to say that i love you tyka (: . Let's keep on ocunting the moments we're going to spend together. Mess with her , i'll get mean ! >:) Nak tengok penguin mengamuk ? Oh well, try me ! No way am i letting go of this friendship and hell yeah no way am i going to replace her. True friends stick till the end <3
I look at her as a sister and also a bestfriend. She can be both at the same time , tehee :) Oh i've been spending so much time with her this holidays. Sleepover for almost a week, you think ? And i'll be heading to her house tomorrow for another 5 days :) Gnarly . She's really cool and adorable. When she laughs it brings me joy, when she smiles it cheers me up, when she gives advices it lift up my spirit. She knows how to have fun and at the same time focus on studies. Whenever she gives me advices, i start to think back of how naive i've been. She opened up my eyes and i do owe her alot. Fights with her was the silliest. About one of the stupidest thing ever :) BOYS , haha yeah but after that we agreed to never fight about the opposite sex. I love her , and i mean it. Bie, from the very start , i promised my self to never let go of this friendship. We'll walk through this together. I'm here for you and you've always been there for me too. I love you weyna <3
Don't have much to say about her, cause i've known her only for a month. Yeah but now we're close ever. Me , Tyka , and her all combined , SYATYCKY :D Yeahh , MSN with her is the best. Playing jigsaw puzzle online , webcam together , make silly faces, talk crap an gossip, talking like bimbo blondes and rempits. Awakkkk , kitew cyg awakkk HAHA. Honestly, she's very strong. She never gives up on what she really wants. She's going to work her ass off just to get it , i think she knows what i mean :) She has the cutest attitude , especially when she's blurr , damn i can't stop laughng when she does ;p She knows the best way to turn my frown upside down and she knows the exact way to cool me down when i'm freaking out. I'll be there for her just like how she has been there for me. I swear on that :) Since the first day i've talked to you , i know that i could always count on you :) I love you syaza ,you know i always do(: Let's hold on to this friendship together okay ? :
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