Yeah the bestfriend i've had since i was years old. 2 years of friendship and i'm still counting.Yeah , this year was toughest cause we've been going through rough edges. But heck, i'm not giving up this pot of gold. And i just hope she's not going to give up too. I miss all the moments i've had with her. Holiday in PD together. 1 week of sleepover. Checking out hot guys together and gossipping all night long till we both fall asleep. She's always there when i need her. Oh and when she laughs, it's the cutest :D Ican't imagine if i never even met her in 2006 , damn man , i would be wrecked by now. She's someone i want to keep till my very last breath. And our friendship is way important to me. And bie , trust me , you can never be replaced. I love you lesbie, now and always, through thick and thin. You know i will always be here for you. And i'm sorry for all the misunderstandings we had :( True Friends are forever, Fake Friends are whatever. Guess which one you are <3
Hoyeahhh , i love this adorable face . Knew her since last year . 1 year of friendship and counting :) First time meeting her was awkward, we were too shy but at the same time , we were like close friends. Infact, almost like sisters :) That was the time i first heard her laugh , i swear that was the cutest . Heee (: Fights with her i wish to throw away , cause it was a stupid misunderstanding that should never happen . We've been getting closer and closer. I trust her with all my heart. She has the best words to cheer me up. She can make me laugh so hard and smile so wide, exactly why i love her. We got cute nicknames for each other.Example pingu, lion, buntut, tetek, tyka weasely, icky potter, pet, apa lagi eh ? Haha yeah , we like to gossip and late night phone calls with her i love most. Now i would like to say that i love you tyka (: . Let's keep on ocunting the moments we're going to spend together. Mess with her , i'll get mean ! >:) Nak tengok penguin mengamuk ? Oh well, try me ! No way am i letting go of this friendship and hell yeah no way am i going to replace her. True friends stick till the end <3
I look at her as a sister and also a bestfriend. She can be both at the same time , tehee :) Oh i've been spending so much time with her this holidays. Sleepover for almost a week, you think ? And i'll be heading to her house tomorrow for another 5 days :) Gnarly . She's really cool and adorable. When she laughs it brings me joy, when she smiles it cheers me up, when she gives advices it lift up my spirit. She knows how to have fun and at the same time focus on studies. Whenever she gives me advices, i start to think back of how naive i've been. She opened up my eyes and i do owe her alot. Fights with her was the silliest. About one of the stupidest thing ever :) BOYS , haha yeah but after that we agreed to never fight about the opposite sex. I love her , and i mean it. Bie, from the very start , i promised my self to never let go of this friendship. We'll walk through this together. I'm here for you and you've always been there for me too. I love you weyna <3
Don't have much to say about her, cause i've known her only for a month. Yeah but now we're close ever. Me , Tyka , and her all combined , SYATYCKY :D Yeahh , MSN with her is the best. Playing jigsaw puzzle online , webcam together , make silly faces, talk crap an gossip, talking like bimbo blondes and rempits. Awakkkk , kitew cyg awakkk HAHA. Honestly, she's very strong. She never gives up on what she really wants. She's going to work her ass off just to get it , i think she knows what i mean :) She has the cutest attitude , especially when she's blurr , damn i can't stop laughng when she does ;p She knows the best way to turn my frown upside down and she knows the exact way to cool me down when i'm freaking out. I'll be there for her just like how she has been there for me. I swear on that :) Since the first day i've talked to you , i know that i could always count on you :) I love you syaza ,you know i always do(: Let's hold on to this friendship together okay ? :
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