100 days to go people , dont forget to inhale and exhale. Yes , i am talking about PMR , sadly i'm a fucking candidate *smiles* Went to Cheercomp with dearest brother today. Woke up at 7.30 for breakfast with siblings and parents, came home and get ready straight to Bukit Jalil. It was nice to finally meet
Atilia , Fiqa , Virginie , Izyan , Kroll , Amer , and a bunch of other people i can't seem to recall. Sheesh. Yeah i saw Fizzy the bald head too , har har. Lama tak nampak batang hidung budak tu. Budak baik katanyaaa ;p Spent most of the time with Atilia and Fiqa though , hee. Rinduuuuuuuu *hugs* Oh report card day went fine btw , yeah i know it's been ages but whatever. I've been lazy to go online , haha . I saw
D and he was effin cute, i am absolutely effin happy
E came back ,
F has been effin sweet and sadly there is no
G heee . Sedih tak dapat jumpa Saby and Rose , haihh. Okay dah penat , esok sekolah.
xoxo ,
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