Sunday, February 21

Were you just tripping ?

I finally got my Snickers Blendid , i am currently satisfied (: Yeay for me , and kudos to Papa and Mama

I am back to being single , and let me be the only one who knows what's going on. I'll tell you if i feel like it, but i don't think i have to :-) All i know is they're still here for me , they're not going anywhere. I just did this " How well do you know Icky Fadzil ? " quiz. The results turned out pretty funny. Taib turned out to be the only one who knows what i do when i'm really down , for now lah kan. Who ever else gets it right , you so do not suck har har. Then suddenly ramai nak buat jugak , sibuk shuhh shuhh ! Haha lol :-) Today i went to Wondermilk and bought only 6 cupcakes , sorry people but you will have to share tomorrow. Yes , i bought for them at school , and yes tomorrow is Monday which means holidays are over, sobsob. Pretty much happy actually that i get to go to school again , but sad that i have to wake up early again , zzz -.-

As you can see , i don't have much to write right now. Too many thoughts in my head, screwing up everything. Sheeesh , when will this end ? :/


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