Saturday, June 19

A feeling i can't deny

Yeah these are half of them. That's Khalis , Khairul , Irfan and Aan. The rest would be Anep , Zuhairy , Ajiem and Fazrul. Who are they? They're my classmates, the only reason i love being in class. Despite the annoying teachers. Khalis is one hell of a cheerful boy, he never stops singing. He's like the jukebox in class. Annoys almost everyone in class but yet such a great friend. Khairul , Irfan and Aan just loves to crack up jokes. Say one word and they can elaborate in to stupid jokes. Zuhairy and Anep are like partners in crime. They go everywhere together , sounds gay but hey they both have lovely girlfriends. And both of them are the one's that never really stress out plus both of them loves sleeping in class, especially during BM haha. Ajiem and Fazrul loves to spend time with the phone and watch band videos on youtube. But heck, they can be very fun once you actually talk to them. Btw, Ajiem is a so called daddy to me haha. These boys definitely know how to have fun and i love em to bits :)

The two girls up here would be Farah and Ecah. These two are not even a quarter of the rest. The rest would be Maisha , Balqis , Shafiqah , Amirah , Afini and Idzaty. Woah do these girls love gossip. Maisha is like my partner in class , we talk about almost anything. So is Farah and Ecah. We can make fun out of anything. Sing out loud , laugh like no one's watching , and check out any boy that passes by haha. They're full of fun. Balqis , Shafiqah , Amirah , Afini and Idzaty are like the gossip girls in class. Loads of gossips i tell you. Sit down for 5 minutes and you know about half of the school . They are freaking loud , they make the class look like a night club. Haha but they really do know how to make a girl laugh. I love each and everyone of them :)

This feeling i have for them , i can never deny. They really do hold an important role to me. One day i was crying my ass off over some stupid matter, each and everyone of them had their own way to make me feel better. There was Khalis wiping off my tears , Maisha rubbing my back , Ecah and Farah holding my hands, Anep and Zuhairy making me think of that matter the other way around , and the rest was just helping me go through it. Somehow, they mean more than just too much. And this one time , it was Sejarah , i was skipping class as always, with the common people who always does , Zuhairy Anep Khalis and Khairul. And suddenly i saw the whole class loitering around the building. The best part was the teacher is in class but then there was none in it. Haha we are some class. Yeah , we are 4 Efisyien 2010 , no teacher can ever stand us. Bottom line , they make my day in school worth being there :)

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