Sunday, July 11

Done and done.

Finally watched Eclipse last night. It was okay, loads of killing . The new born vampires were all killed in the end, and byebye Victoria. Edward managed to break her to pieces. And i realized how Alice and Jasper are so sweet together, like seriously.

Somehow i cried watching it. Jacob was hurt badly in this movie, more than he was in New Moon. It's like , I've been through the same shit. Like what he said , "you have no idea how much i wish that it was enough". Enough. Enough. ENOUGH. It's never enough. Life's a bitch and then you die, face it.

I got out from the cinema half way through the movie to look for Madd. Yeah, the birthday boy. I called him and he told me to come down. There i saw him sitting alone on the floor doing some work. I sat down with him for 15 minutes. Talked a bit and gave him box of cigarettes. I didn't know what else to get for him , it was a last minute visit. Thank God he liked it. I gave him a hug and went back in the hall. That was probably it.

Report card day? Woahwoahwoah, not that good nor bad. Some minor misunderstanding happened but then again, mama and papa was impressed with what the teacher said about me :-) Everything is stabil, well for now that is. Aslkshdskheuaxcskrlhefaksjalh k bye.


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