I woke up at 12.30pm , thanks to my brother that is. If he didn't wake me up , god knows what time i'll wake up :O So yeah , he woke me up cause we were going for lunch. It sound pretty funny cause i didn't even have breakfast , bahaha :) We went to Pelita , ordered teh o ais and grabbed some rice with chicken. I only ate half of it , pfth i didn't feel like eating. After eating , went to KLICCT to send Kaklong , she was going somewhere , i forgot where :| Then went home and sat infront of the laptop , as always MySpace and MSN. Got bored , went to kitchen for some milo ice. The milo ice is done , so went up stairs , grabbed my science book and turned on the tv. Did some studying from 4pm - 5.30pm , boleh tahan lama lah kan. Hoorah , Icky is becoming a nerd *geeky smile* Then suddenly i felt like cleaning up my room. Yeah , i told you , nerd thoughts woohoo. And so i did. Grabbed the broom , the mop , the cloth and new bed sheets. Sweeped the room, then i mopped it, then i wipped the windows and mirrors, then i changed the bed sheets, then i wipped the tables, then i cleaned up the dressing table and study table. For the final touch, i sprayed this thingy my mom gave me on the bed and in my cupboard and on the carpet. My room smelled nice :) And i was satisfied. The best part is , i took a one hour bath :D hoorah for me. Bahahaha. Wasn't my day interesting ? Mama cancelled going to Sunway last minute , and yes i am pissed but yeah whatever. At least i did something useful today. I could do this the whole week, but nahhhh i need to be me again.
I don't know why i lost my appetite the whole day. It's like i've got no hunger anymore -.- Mama cooked my favourite macaronni , but heck i'm not eating it. It's kinda good cause i am gaining weight. At the same time it's scary cause this is so not me :| Okaaay, i wanna finish this macaronni up. Toodles <3
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