Icky : It's like i've been so lonely for like what ? 5 months i think , until i think too much .
Megat : Well maybe it's just you yang problematic sikit kotttt *buat muka*
Icky : I know i'm not pretty , shut up lah .
*all four of them laughed*
Paan : B , that's not what he meant okay . You ni kannnn .
Megat : Yeaaaah, what i meant was like , maybe it's just you yang takde perasaan dah. Come on, spill ! How many guys have you rejected for this past 5 months .
Icky : I can't recall , seriously . Bukan banyak sangat , but just tak ingat okay.
Megat : Hah , i told you. It's just you yang bermasalah kot. Open up , don't close that heart too tight okay ?
Icky : *trying to change the topic* Eh , Fiiiii , Miruuuuul , asal senyap ?
Lutfi : I'm too busy drawing , layan doh lukis tengah gelap mcm ni , i can't wait to see what i'm actually drawing when we're in the house later.
Mirul : You're an idiot Lutfi. Well , i'm too busy trying to figure out what's he drawing.
Megat : You're a bigger idiot then he is. Why am i friends with you both?
Paan : Conclusion is , they're both idiots. And Megat , don't say that, where are you sleeping tonight aye mate? Rumah Lutfi gak en , dah diam hahah. Yang , it's too obvious you're changing the topic. What else is bothering you ?
Icky : *laughing* Okay that was .... i don't know how to describe it. Whatever. Hey , i'm okay. Don't worry.
Paan : I've known you for 15 years , and you're still trying to lie to me, oh hunny , stop trying. Look, he left you , doesn't mean you have to stop being happy. Just because you're single , doesn't mean you're lonely. Come on , i'm hereeee * senyum mintak kaki * Plus , be thankful there's no guy to hurt you like HE did, you know who i mean , i ain't gonna mention names.
Icky : Who says theres no one to hurt me? You know what i've been through , and it's making this hole bigger , fuck it.
Lutfi : *giving up and puts down the pen* Okay , i can't see a fucking thing. Icky my dear , how about we head to Hartamas tomorow? We'll pick you up and we go boy hunting. Paan's there to make sure everything goes well. Kan A'an ?
Paan : haaaa ye ah tu , betul lah tu Fi *rolling eyes*
Icky : tengok lah macam mana , as if my parents kasi. Unless you want another season of prison break *buat muka*
Paan : I ada kan , mama confirm cair kalau i ayat.
*Lutfi scrunch up the paper he was drawing on and threw it at Paan's face , Megat made barf sounds , Mirul was making a "you're disgusting" face, i was just laughing my ass off*
Then we headed inside , they're watching Twilight. I know , how gay kan? Oh and about the drawing Lutfi made , we're all still trying to figure out what it is. Haha. Okay gdnght <3
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