I've been drifting away for quiet long haven't i ? Whatever you want to say or whatever comments you have , keep it to yrself , ayte mate ? :) Cause i'm sick and tired of listening to people commenting me , the way i talk and the way i live my fucking own life. Excuse me , are you THAT perfect ? That's all i want to ask ,
so answer me bitch (!) Motherfucking lifeless bitch , pfthh !
I just came back from camping last Sunday. It was in Genting , for 3 days. I really didn't want to go. I wanted to beg, but i felt sorry for my dad, he paid big money for that trip. But i want to thank him for that. I had a lot of fun , so many experience and learned a lot. I achieved something i thought i would never achieve. I got an award for
best leadership. I know , weird huh Icky winning something ? Finally hahahaha . We had campfire , karaoke night , BBQ . And during free time , we just spend time walking around the chalet , or just wasting our time in the hall , turning out loud music and good around. We were one big family. I thought i'll never find friends there, but thank god i found
Rina ,
Ad and
Nadirah (: Yeah , Rina is Adeeb's schoolmate , how freaky , haha. They had the same crazy head as i did. Yeowww ! Ahah. On the last day , before heading back to KL , we had these four obstacles. Fireman crossing , Gribbon crossing , Ninja crossing and Leg Shaking. It's this thing that we have to cross a river on a string :| yeah it was scary , but i had to face it. I was the fucking leader of the team , i couldn't back off -.- One hell of an experience. Go icky ! ahaha. And i arrived Shah Alam safely on Sunday, 6.06pm. End up with a really bad soar throat and annoying flu. Pfth.
I skipped school for 2 days , yeeha.
Mama and Papa are away, but that's not the reason i skipped school though -_- I have an MC okay , legally hereeee. Yeah, i couldn't get my head up yesterday. So went to the clinic and blabla got an MC for two days. So that means i have to go tomorrow , bummer. Sick of school cause of
Miss you-know-who (: HAHA whatever , she creeps me out anyways. That's all, toodles <3
Icky , xxx