I miss school , might be the words you won't expect from me at this kind of situation. But hey, shy to say but have to let it out ,
i fucking miss school. I found out
Salwani won't be around till next year , sobsob. Kinda sad though , school's boring without her. No more drama and action. No more running and hiding away from her if i feel like buying a drink at the canteen during lessons. I'll miss you psycho discipline teacher , sobs *sigh* Whatever. I havent been to school for almost a month, yeay me ? Har Har. Not my fault though , blame this flu. Blame this very very very very annoying flu. So have you heard ?
"Seorang pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seksyen 9 telah disyaki menghidap penyakit H1N1" or whatever they call it. Yeah it was all over the news , and many talked about it. You may find out either ways. It was pretty much the
highlight of the year for SMKS9 , lol. After the two weeks holiday, i went to school on the first day. And on Tuesday, i felt my body aching from muscle to muscle, and from bones to bones, i felt so warm inside but cold outside, my voice unable to come out , i could barely speak and my nose was stuffed. So i called my Mom since she was away. And i got 4 days off that week , legally that is , with a doctor's slip *ehem* And so i thought i might be fine this week, bur heck was i wrong :) With my flu still annoyingly around and that swine flu around school , Mama told me not to go and got another doctor's slip for another 4 days. Yeay me
(!) Almost a month, how can i not miss school.
Oh ,
Michael Jackson is dead. Yikes , sobsob. Really sad , i loved his music though. It was all over the news.
Tragic. Guess who i found out from ?
Faeq :) The first thing he texted me when i woke up, kinda weird though. Haha.
Azra and
Fiera sleeping over for 2 nights was awesome , kinda feel lonely and quiet without them. Pictures will be uploaded.
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