Megat : yo budak kecik , wassap berasap man
Icky : yo budak besar , you're still so very lame.
Megat : Aww i miss you too , *laughs*
Icky : Eh jangan nak perasan sangat ah kan, who's calling who ? aww i know you miss me , alolo
Megat : Okay shut up, dah bye
He actually hung up , for real. I guess he was expecting me to call back , too bad i fell asleep balik HAHA. So then he called back ..
Icky : apaaa ? *suara mengantuk*
Megat : Cibai you lah sohai , kau boleh tidur aku merajuk
Icky : boleh je , nyenyak doh *laughs*
Megat : Eff you mofo
Icky : i love you too
Then he was pissed , he said stuffs i barely understood. I told him about inhale and exhale , and so he tried. Goodboy(: haha. So yeah , he called to inform about A'an's suprise party. Again, a pool party , woot woot. I am glad it is AFTER midterms.
Icky : I've got a midterm to think about , why screw my head about HIS party. Go call Nasha , i bet she has brilliant ideas
Megat : You know i hate her , and chill you'll do fine for the exam. I got yr back , aren't i sweet ?
Icky : no , when you said you got my back , you actually meant " i'll be ready to laugh at you when you cry about yr bad grades " eff you asshole
Megat : Hey , dont blame me for being too cool.
Icky : i wanna puke , BYE
Megat : eh jappp ! answer one question only cann a ? pwetty pwease
Icky : Apa diaaaaa ?
Megat : You remember that skinnies Hannah gave me ?
Icky : yeah what about that up tight skinnies ?
Megat : do you think i'll look fat if i wear it for the BBQ ?
Icky : HAHA you gay ass mofo , stand infront of a mirror and go figure Einstein.
Megat : Fuck you , how ever can A'an stand you
Icky : cause i'm way cooler than you can ever be
Megat : sheeeeeesh , BYE
Icky : *Laughs* BYEEEEEEEE GAY
I love you too , Sheikh Megat (:
So my day was pretty boring , yada yada yada. I have to admit , Z really did dig the hole bigger. But heck, i guess i'm the fool in this case. Fuck, i love you still, Z )':
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