I did nothing but just eat and eat and eat today . Call me fat , but i don't seem to care. Bahaha. Last night was too gay , and i hope tonight will be another night full of laughs. I need all this stress out of me (: I've got a weird friend, say hello to my new friend Asyraf. Yes he is so weird that i get goosebumps each time he speaks. See how weird he is :|
asyrf . says:
youu kn resah nak PMR
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
tak tengok tv ?
Icky , says:
haha babi , i taknak pikir pasal pmr for this 2 weeks lah ass !
Icky , says:
shut upp -.-
Icky , says:
tv yg tengok i skrng ni
Icky , says:
Icky , says:
my baby cousin nak tengok ben10 , mmg tak lah i tengok kan -_-
asyrf . says:
haha ,
asyrf . says:
ben 10 ?
asyrf . says:
best laa cerita tu sial .
asyrf . says:
dier boleh tukar tukar ,
asyrf . says:
memang tak tengok ah ,
asyrf . says:
Icky , says:
sometimes i wonder are you seriously 18
Icky , says:
asyrf . says:
hahahahahahhaha ,
asyrf . says:
i am !
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
Icky , says:
nah , i think yr a 10 year old stuck in a 18 year old body
Icky , says:
Lol , i pitty you boy
asyrf . says:
hahaha ,
asyrf . says:
yeah ,
asyrf . says:
i wish i was 17 again ,
asyrf . says:
pfft ,
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
bajet zac efron lak ,
Icky , says:
takyah nak perasan sangat ah kan ;p
Icky , says:
imma call you capcap
Icky , says:
Icky , says:
jangan tanya asal
Icky , says:
suka hati aku ah nak panggil apa ;p
Icky , says:
i am annoying , live with it (:
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
nak panggil i capcap ?
asyrf . says:
i panggil youu ,
asyrf . says:
crapcrap ,
asyrf . says:
okay /
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
Icky , says:
fakyu asshole
He is one hell of a weirdo , but he cracks me up. Bodoh , macam dah kenal 10 tahun , padehal tak sampai seminggu -_- Don't be too proud , i'm not your number one fan , yet :) HAHAHAHA
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