I must say that today was a
wet day for me. Woke up at 10 , by
Epul's wake up call , thanks dato' i appreciate it so much -.- Then i slept again till 11 something , and woke
Shidi up. Then continued snoozing, then
Ayong called, already making me laugh till i almost fell of the bed, i repeat ,
almost (!) Thank god , i didn't *geeky smile* So i decided to just get up, and brushed my teeth. I felt hungry, went downstairs and there was nasi goreng. Watched tv , till 12.30. Siap siap , then off to Permata. Swimming with them, got wet and then
Sobri picked me up at Noodle Station and sent me to
Nina's waterbash sweet 15. Got wet, again.
Anep, Alep, Mek, Haqim, Achik, Faris, Lisa, Lowkey, Izzat ( a new friend ), Nick, Ema , Dee , Laila, Fatin, Fiera, and
Thira was there. Then
Fir came , i told him stories, as always lah kan. Then i saw
Rahman and
Sasa going down the hill lying down on a skate board.
Crack heads -_-' It made me laugh though, then i got a scar on my finger thanks to Izzat, but i burned his bulu kaki for payback ;p Bahaha. Then went home and here i am onlining like a there's nothing else in this world. Just me , my laptop , chilly cold room and my bed. Niiiice, phone ketepi jap eh , i need some youtube and blogspot (:
Syakir finally admit his my one and only rempit , and yes he officially pronounced me as his one and only minah rempit. He's a newbie , so i have to teach him , ALOT :) hahaha. We're crapping in msn and yes i just have to laugh about this.
Thanks to Rahman for listening to what i really wanted to let out for a long time. He's always the right ears for me to spill everything, yeap that's my son alright :) He still calls me mummy , yikes (!)
It's hard when you really need someone you can count on when all the pressure around you is just pushing you down to the ground and everyone around you is acting crappy, but the only people you can count on is so far away and you talk to them once a week only. It's really sad and it hurts real bad. I need them here and now, a s a p. I love you
atentykaweynafiqatilia♥ Life has been a bitch. I have been a nerd, but a rebel at the same time, well less rebelious i think. Yes, it is the new me, hard to cope with but heck i have to live with it, cause it's me. Double duhh. Okay , i wanna nudge Haziq now , enough recording lah b, it's US time now , bahaha
1 comment:
sayang sayang kau sayang kau :D
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