Never have i imagined i'll be missing a whole lot amount of people. I won't call my self anti-social and i won't say that i'm not wanting to socialize anymore. That's just me being a hypocrite , lol which i'm not. I'm just packed with all new stuffs i'm going through. Form 4 ain't as easy as i thought , it's definitely not honeymoon year. Who ever said that should slap them self real hard in the face -.- I'm trying to cope with all the new sub topics cause i wouldn't want anything red on my report card, no more please. It'll be hard enough to catch up again if i fool around now. Plus i have trainings from Tuesday till Saturday , apparently Monday and Sunday is the only day i'll be free , but still stuck with homeworks. One thing for sure , upcoming holidays , i'll have to meet all the people i'm missing right now. Nothing or no one can stop me , please don't even try. I miss you , you , you and you. Especially Nina Kamilia and Atikah Aliah , you too Adly Zuraidy hihi
Saturday, January 30
Honestly , Seriously , what a drag
Never have i imagined i'll be missing a whole lot amount of people. I won't call my self anti-social and i won't say that i'm not wanting to socialize anymore. That's just me being a hypocrite , lol which i'm not. I'm just packed with all new stuffs i'm going through. Form 4 ain't as easy as i thought , it's definitely not honeymoon year. Who ever said that should slap them self real hard in the face -.- I'm trying to cope with all the new sub topics cause i wouldn't want anything red on my report card, no more please. It'll be hard enough to catch up again if i fool around now. Plus i have trainings from Tuesday till Saturday , apparently Monday and Sunday is the only day i'll be free , but still stuck with homeworks. One thing for sure , upcoming holidays , i'll have to meet all the people i'm missing right now. Nothing or no one can stop me , please don't even try. I miss you , you , you and you. Especially Nina Kamilia and Atikah Aliah , you too Adly Zuraidy hihi
Friday, January 29
Are you down with me ?
Let's keep on counting the seconds.
Thursday, January 28
Guess who's back
Sunday, January 24
Got me coming undone
Me and Adly has been ay okay , tiny fights i can push aside , that ain't tearing us apart , hell no. I know he'll never let go no matter what anyways. And guess what , i think it's adorable when he cries. Especially when he denies it , lol he sucks at lying. I love you retard♥ I wanted to meet Nina today at the skatepark but today was packed with all other sorts of stuff , so maybe next week okay baby ?Although things are just smooth , but there are several bumps that i'm going through. Thank god i have Adly and bestfriends to hold on tight so i won't fall. It seems like a big deal to me cause losing a bestfriend would hurt more than anything else, let's just hope it's not ending. 4 years and still counting , right ? :(
Okaaaay i've been listening to too much slow songs , let's pump up the beat , shall we ? Got nothing to blog about actually , it's a boring weekend *yawn* Hihi toodles.
Friday, January 22
Picture perfect fading ,
Nothing happened today actually , but loads of laugh though. Me and Sabb was crapping all through the way. After practice , Zawir called and asked where i am. He came with his hawaiian shorts and shoes , weeeeeird combination , i swear -.- Well it explains when he said he wants to jog. I just nodded and agreed to hold on to his keys and wallet. While waiting for Zawir , me and Sabb and Mero went to KFC , i was craving for toasted twister. I ate a lot , i mean A LOT today. I had 4 meals not including dinner and supper yo ;p HAHA i'm fat , like i caaaare. Came back and showered , and heck i slept for 2 hours just now. So currently am not sleepy. Waiting to call Adly at 12.30am , hihi i love you supersavers.
I miss Nina , sobsob and not to mention Tyka , haihh i want these two babies right here , right now , please ? Grrr .
Thursday, January 21
All belongs to me ,
There was no welcoming committee
Pretty much pissed off at someone right now , let's not mention names alright :-) After school , i got home and found Mama wasn't at home AGAIN , so i decided to go out early. I called Aleppo and he agreed to come with Bedey. How sweet , NOT -.- So he picked me up and went to KFC , forgot my cigarettes so had to buy a new one heh heh who cares , Aleppo paid half of it bahaha. Maisha came along with her hockey stick and Teha was pushing me to join them , i said i'll pass , maybe next week. Enough aching for this week. Anep came along later and so did Acap. Suka eh korang membahan :-) Korang watlek je eh hihi. The boys head back to 19 , so i called up Zawir and hanged out with my Barney. I took off as soon as Hakim came out. Boy had to ruin my day by telling me not only we have training tomorrow , but also on Saturday , damn it -.- Please , stop the aching , someoneeee. By the way , can anyone tell me how the hell can i get rid of this "bad romance" song out of my head? Yeah that one by Lady Gaga , it's getting annoying grrr
I loved accounts lesson today , i made love with it at KFC too , my homework is done so yeay no homework for me tonight :) Sit back , and relaaaax.
p/s : Adly Zuraidy , i'm missing you keding. Truth spoken , iloveyou♥
Wednesday, January 20
Wake when i'm asleep
I'm in Putra which is the yellow house , thank god Khairul and Hilman is also in it. So anyone is Blood Type A positive ? Cause i am , yeay hahaha. It was funny when we were all in the hall getting our blood test. Luq was very embarassing , he pushed the chair to the back when the needle poked his finger , we laughed our ass off. Dhania and Hilman is blood type B positive , Julie and Khairul is blood type O , how cool right , i knowww, me and Luq are A positive woohoo. I swear today's training was fucking tiring , we were tortured by Boy and Megat , konon coach ah kan pfthhh haha -.- They made us run how many laps i have no idea and with all those stretchings and shits , damn i can't feel my ass by the way . After training , me and Julie had to run up to my house to get Julie's stuffs , so Hilman and Khairul wanted to act manly and walk with us. As i arrived home , Papa was there so he invited the boys is. I gave them a drink , grabbed Julie's stuff and took off. Oh oh oh , I met my retard purple dinosaur named Zawir :-) He was walking around with no destination pfthh haha . It's been ages since i last saw him. His hugs are always the best , i swear :O I love you big brotha♥
Adly is like having some kind of meeting *imissyou bby :( * and here i am blogging. Suppose to be working on my accounts homework , hihi I'm on it mamaaa :p Laaaaatteeerrr (!)
Monday, January 18
In the name of victory
I was about to go to science lab when Anis suddenly came in the class , i hugged her and stuff . Went to the lab , me and Natasha were laughing all through the class , receptors and effectors pfthh hahaha. But then , teacher came in and informed i'm moving to 4E tomorrow , sad but happy at the same time. Wicked feeling yo :s Natasha was like bummed , but i told her we still have recess and after school , she just smiled :) I met Farra and Zaza , then infront of school i met Alfie and Nadya , finally. I walked back with Julie and Luqman. He is one hell of a freak that came from Alam Megah , lol. Luqman walked us half way and told to meet him in KFC around 3something , so yeah i sent Julie to her grandma's but no one was home , she had to tag along to my house. We cleaned up and had lunch and went out. Luqman was late , pfth so we hanged out with Filzah, Aweis and Boy in front of school. Everyone arrived and headed to KFC , it was fun goofing around. Highlight of the day : Julie hit Luqman so many times using her flipflops till he actually fell of the chair , with his face red (!) Bahahaha that cracked me up. Zuhairy came and took off to football practice with Luqman so me and Julie hanged with Anis.
Okay the fun part , Anis was at Hockey Practice so me and Julie hanged in front of school. Then suddenly we saw this very familiar famous director passing by , and this one little girl from the movie 'Congkak' and few boys, who was actually cute bahaha. We thought that little girl was one snobbish girl , but looks like she was really friendly. They were shooting a scene, the girl was chased by the boys , and heck she was really good in acting , i swear. Thumbs up for you girl :) I waited for Hakim and head home with him. Here i am , freaking tired *sigh* I stink , wanna go shower. Oh and i finally met Azril , after 3 months yeah exactly. I miss adly♥
Let's cope with all these
Sunday, January 17
My sweet lullaby
I'm A Psycho HAHAHA
Saturday, January 16
Wear me a locket around your throat.
Lift your spirit , lift them high, kiss those other teams byebye
Shoot an arrow at the target
Friday, January 15
Swift like that
I went back home and come across to a very bad news , tomorrow would be my last day in section 9 , my last sports activity with Purnama. Haihh i'm moving to SSAAS nxt week and today is my last day. Mhmm , i'm sorry Nina :( I loves yous still , hihi. Well can't wait tomorrow. Adly coming , me cheering , purnama ass kicking. HOYEAH :D haha i'm out of words , toodles.
Thursday, January 14
Your eyes telling me lies
School? I barely studied anything , damn it. Was in the hall from 7.30am till 9.45am. After recess i had to walk around and ask for signatures and confirmation for Saturday. I took a break and sit down in class for an hour , i was freaking tired. I swear i felt like lying down on the floor , zzz . So i continued till 1.20pm -____- I missed Sejarah , thank you very much. Okay whatever , me , Nina and Fiera sat down together in the hall this morning , we talked so much , especially me and Fiera , about 2009 that is :') We miss them boys that used to be apart of us, i hope they still are though. I miss you boys♥ They should know who they are, hee.
Nina is coming over in like uhh , half an hour and hell yeah i'm still in my uniform , bahahaha. We're going to work on some cheers , haihh. Have to work on Accounts , addmaths and maths by tonight. I am exhausted , like seriously (!) Nothing really happened today , just that i had to see that fucking scum's face over and over and over again , ewww haha
Wednesday, January 13
Earth to Dumb Bitch ,
Pissing the shit out of me ,
Hatim was being very very annoying in class with all the fake motorcycle sound and muka-mintak-kaki , pfth -.- Nina brought pie to school and heck it was fucking tasty. I wanted more , but Nina said NOOOOOO , sheeeesh ;p Somehow i just hope i'm not changing schools , but somehow i want to. I don't know what i want , helpppp ! I came back from school with high hopes to get my homework done , but nopeeeeee. Adly gave me the permission to take a nap since i was soooo tired , i have no idea why -.- So , i did hihi. Around 7pm , he called me to wake me up. After 3 minutes i was okay , and i had no idea why i thought i was the one calling , zzz then suddenly 10 minutes later the line went dead and then i remember he was the one calling. I figured right , his credit finished -___- Grrrr. I'm sorry for my Baby Lion , i hope you're okay Tykaaaaaaa :( Cheer up okay ? I'm here for you , always :)
Aaa i think i need to get my Science homework done and work on some new cheers , so yeah , later<3
Tuesday, January 12
Leaves fall down
Nothing much today. Mama and Papa are off to Melaka for few days , not sure till what day. They dropped me off to school this afternoon before they head off to Melaka. Had a 1 hour meeting with the committee and then off to Pelita to meet Putra (: He was nice enough to treat me Teh O Ais ;p Har har. Had the chance to get my Addmaths homework done , then he went back and i went back to school for training. The boys were fooling around in the hall . yeah it was raining so we had training in the hall instead. I had to figure out new cheers and stomps , like yikes more work. Not only that , costumes i have to help around , banners , flags , designs , EVERYTHING , i have to participate. Good thing i'm excused from running this Saturday. Thaaaannkkk youuuuu Meeeeggaaaat :D That was about it i guess. How boring , pfthh
Monday, January 11
All about you ,
Since he showed up everything changed. My dull life turned bright and colorful. Small matters doesn't seem to matter that much anymore. He keeps reminding me things will always be alright no matter how bad things turn out to be. He's always there , worried, loving , caring , annoying and cracking me up all through the day. His lame jokes are so lame till i love him even more ! :D He's short , skinny , a walking stick , not so afro , and very very annoying , i still love him no matter how bad he gets on my nerves, cause he'll still be that guy that'll crack me up early in the morning and cheer me up when my day starts to get gloomy. He supports me with whatever i do , but only if it's for my future. He laughs and adores everything i do , even when i fall asleep in his car or order for the wrong drink at a restaurant. He makes this silly face each time i try to tell him something just so i would kiss his cheek. He'll hold my hand when we're walking , and pull me closer if i walk further to zoom in something in a shop, which is fucking adorable. He wipes off my tears and kiss my forehead when i'm crying. He'll know what to get for me if i'm having the worst day. He knows exactly what to say to lift my spirits up. He knows everything about me and i can no longer lie to him. He's addicted to music , like bloody obsessed. Not to mention to that freaking annoying computer game called DOTA , his beloved proton Savvy named Alicia , his one and only EVO 3 speakers , and his one and only bass. But he keeps reminding that i'm his number 1, i come before all that stuff. I mean more than that game , that car , that speaker and that bass. He says i deserve the world. Once he said to me that he gets what he wants , and i'm one of the wants in the list and i'm the precious one, i mean more than anything. He never lasted this long with any of his ex , and suprisingly i'm the first that can really mix in with his friends. I'm proud to be his , i'm proud to own him. He drove all the way to my house around 2am and sent me Prosperity Burger cause i was effin hungry. He drove back and forth to Melaka and back to Shah Alam in one day just so he can meet me when i come home from UK. He cried when i said i needed a one week break apart , i loved him more. Although it's not his fault , and i'm not blaming him , he still says sorry just so i won't be mad at him. He protects me from any harm , he saves me from any problems and he's always the shoulder i could cry on. He's my soulmate , my bestfriend , and obviously my everything. I love you , i swear♥ Ladies , he belongs to me so please don't try to pull any stupid moves just to break us apart. Leave your comments to yourself , i don't need it. As far as i know , i've got the perfect boyfriend<3
Just don't let me down
I wish to meet and spend time with :
- Aten
- Tyka
- Syra
- Lilo
- Weyna
- Fiqa
- Ashela
- Nadya
- Isha
- Kroll
- Ben
- Quraisha
- Amer
- Akmal
- Faris
- Raes
- Nayim
- Camping mates
- Apit
- Azhary
- Nabil
- Hakim
- Jaa
- Mad
- Rose
- Tykah
- Zabir
- Fafa
- Ayuni
- Sara
Once upon 2006 ,
Plain & Dull
I had to move to the front desk during addmaths , I snoozed during Sejarah , I enjoyed learning during Maths , I was blurr all through the way during BM , and i survived Economy. Yeay me (!) It was pretty much dull , i told you so. But i textedAdly all day , cause since his class was cancelled. I envy him for not having any class at all today , sheesh. But i pitty him cause he waked up at 7am for nothing HAHAHA sorry baby ;p Nina was still embarassed of Saturday's incident , haha i wasn't stalking you in Sunway for god sakes . We were on our way to the parking , it ain't our fault :p
I am missing Adly's hug , I'm craving for that chocalate cake Laila brought to school , I am hoping i won't be leaving Nina in 9 and move to SSAAS , I really really hope Adly can make it this Saturday and damn I am freaking sleepy , toodles.
Sunday, January 10
Lack of attention
What's happening lately ? Nothing much , i've been great. This bumpy ride ain't so bumpy anymore. I've finally found the right people i can count on. I'm not saying i'm anti - social , it's just that i don't entertain pathetic people IN NEED of attention. That's just simply annoying. You know with all the basic questions , how are you ? dah makan ? buat apa hari ni ? PFTHH cmonn ! -.- Adly has been my main entertainment lately , he's been there all through the way. He is definitely the first person i'll turn to when i'm feeling down , and he'll definitely pull me back up. Thanks baby, you mean a lot to me♥ Next obviously comes the bestfriends , i don't really have to list them down cause they should know who they are by now :)
Some people just can't realize how i'm enjoying my peaceful and happy life. Okay , let's just refer to this ONE particular person. Earth to dumb bitch, i was away for 3 weeks. I had better things to do there other than updating myself or anyone else what's going on with YOUR life. I'm not as lifeless as you , keep that in mind. You and your fucked up attitude fucked up your own life, so you can quit blaming people for your own stupid mistakes. Oh and by the way , all this stalking and other shits your up to is seriously getting on my nerves. How about you put a fullstop right here and move along with your sad life and stop involving other people. You can also stop messing with my friends and my family. Stop using my friends and stop being so fucking rude with my cousins , TAK SEDAR DIRI KE APA KAU NI -.- Kau dengan muka tebal kau dah boleh pegi mati skrng , like seriously. I came back home wishing things would be peaceful but noooo , you had to create a scene when i was gone. I'm tired of all this people coming to me and saying stuffs about you , cause in the end you and your fucked up attitude will blame no one else but ME. You got bloody issues , you need therapy or maybe a mental hospital. Or maybe just both of it. You hate people saying stuffs about you ? Well then stop seeking for attention and EXIT IS THAT WAY , by the way :) Much love from ICKY♥
Fruit Punch
So yesterday i went out with Adly. I went to Nina's around 12 something , then Adly arrived around 1.30pm. He was driving Abah's Gen2 instead of his beloved Alicia *Alicia is his one and only proton Savvy , yeah he named his car* Then he realized he forgot his Holga , so we had to go all the way back to his house. And finally off to Sunway. I called Ajaq on the way , and he said he was waiting for Apek and Syam , so yeah okay then we waited for them in sunway. Cancelled movies cause most of us was out of $$. I was logically broke bahaha -.- So me , Nina and Adly waited for Anep in Secret Recipe. Bumped in to Lola on the way there. And i saw Putra pass by and got the chance to wave at him though. The service was freaking slow , so we were trying to find a proper way how to actually call the waiter , pfth. Finally one boy realized and came to us. I planned to order Watermelon Juice, but i have no idea why in the world did the word Fruit punch came out. Adly didn't realize i ordered something i didn't want , so i just shut up. And when the drink arrived , i took the first sip and felt like spitting it out. IT TASTE LIKE BANANA , a freaking BANANA -.- Adly laughed his ass off at me and took the drink away from me. He took a sip and the look on his face made me laugh my ass off HAHA he loved it like a hell lot.
I was out of cigarettes , so head down to the shop and bought a pack. Adly bumped in to his friend and so we had a cigarette there. Then Ajaq , Apek , Syam and Izzat arrived. Headed to McD and waited for Amaa. We didn't do much as soon everyone arrived. Nina and Anep went somewhere , just them both . I had to give them a little privacy yo ;p We took pictures , ate burgers , drank starbucks and blablabla that's about it. As soon as it was about to get dark , Adly sent me home. We wanted to pay the parking ticket , it cost about RM5 , but i only had RM10 and it didn't accept RM10 , stupid machine -.- so we had to go to a shop at the lower floor and buy something. I bought bubble gum and apple juice for him. And the freaking boy at the counter was getting at my nerves. He didn't have change and asked me for small change over and over again , I REPEATED " i have no small cash " for like 5 times -.- Then one lady was nice enough to come and give small change , FINALLY. We head home , and on the way my brother called saying he's waiting in front of the house. He wanted to meet Adly hahaha , and then Adly started to get all nervous and stuff , how cuuute ;p But yeah i was proud of him , he did it. My brother likes him :-) iloveyou♥
That's about it , and i'm done here. Will post more later .