Sunday, January 17

I'm A Psycho HAHAHA

You're not the only one that's been going out at night , coming back at day and sleep all day long. It's a boring routine almost everyone's in to. So tak perlu nak batak sangat lah kan nak bagitau satu dunia. Orang taknak tau pon , benda tu dah basi dah. I bet you think you're cool :) Oh and one more thing , if you want to speak english or type it , make sure you know how to pronounce and spell it. Spelling pon bersepah , like wattafak hahahahaha. Having a lovebite is not something to be proud of and something you can show it off at school. You're acting like you were born yesterday , it's sad to know you've already lived for 16years , zzz. Admitting something bad about you doesn't automatically make you look good, it just makes you look stupid , fyi . All this stuff you're doing lately , is called culture shock honey ;) It's a disease , i hope you recover fast , cause you're getting on my bloody nerves. And thanks for telling everyone i'm changing schools , i'm touched with your concern :')

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