Heeeeelllooooooo (!) I was uber late for school and I guess i wasn't the only one. There was 97 of us that came late to school. Crazy
Cikgu Hakim , we arrived 7.30am sharp and he still labeled us coming late, mothereff you -.- As they finished writing our names , i thought we were done so me and
Nadia walked back to class when suddenly one teacher said "
ni ha cikgu , ada yang TERLEPAS ni" as if we're on some episode of
prison break or something. How the bloody hell should we know we had to wait , pfthh. I went up front again during
AddMaths since i realized it was way easier to understand if i was there in front. And it worked , it really worked. I understood bit by bit , and i'm having fun with it. At least for now i am , bahaha. I had to call
Adly for like , 35 times i think till he actually woke up. Yeah he had class at 8.30am . Go figure why i had to wake him up Haha -.-
Nothing much today.
Mama and Papa are off to Melaka for few days , not sure till what day. They dropped me off to school this afternoon before they head off to Melaka. Had a 1 hour meeting with the committee and then off to Pelita to meet
Putra (: He was nice enough to treat me
Teh O Ais ;p Har har. Had the chance to get my Addmaths homework done , then he went back and i went back to school for training. The boys were fooling around in the hall . yeah it was raining so we had training in the hall instead. I had to figure out new cheers and stomps , like yikes more work. Not only that , costumes i have to help around , banners , flags , designs ,
EVERYTHING , i have to participate. Good thing i'm excused from running this Saturday.
Thaaaannkkk youuuuu Meeeeggaaaat :D That was about it i guess. How boring , pfthh
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