What's happening lately ? Nothing much , i've been great. This bumpy ride ain't so bumpy anymore. I've finally found the right people i can count on. I'm not saying i'm anti - social , it's just that i don't entertain pathetic people IN NEED of attention. That's just simply annoying. You know with all the basic questions , how are you ? dah makan ? buat apa hari ni ? PFTHH cmonn ! -.- Adly has been my main entertainment lately , he's been there all through the way. He is definitely the first person i'll turn to when i'm feeling down , and he'll definitely pull me back up. Thanks baby, you mean a lot to me♥ Next obviously comes the bestfriends , i don't really have to list them down cause they should know who they are by now :)
Some people just can't realize how i'm enjoying my peaceful and happy life. Okay , let's just refer to this ONE particular person. Earth to dumb bitch, i was away for 3 weeks. I had better things to do there other than updating myself or anyone else what's going on with YOUR life. I'm not as lifeless as you , keep that in mind. You and your fucked up attitude fucked up your own life, so you can quit blaming people for your own stupid mistakes. Oh and by the way , all this stalking and other shits your up to is seriously getting on my nerves. How about you put a fullstop right here and move along with your sad life and stop involving other people. You can also stop messing with my friends and my family. Stop using my friends and stop being so fucking rude with my cousins , TAK SEDAR DIRI KE APA KAU NI -.- Kau dengan muka tebal kau dah boleh pegi mati skrng , like seriously. I came back home wishing things would be peaceful but noooo , you had to create a scene when i was gone. I'm tired of all this people coming to me and saying stuffs about you , cause in the end you and your fucked up attitude will blame no one else but ME. You got bloody issues , you need therapy or maybe a mental hospital. Or maybe just both of it. You hate people saying stuffs about you ? Well then stop seeking for attention and EXIT IS THAT WAY , by the way :) Much love from ICKY♥
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