I had to move to the front desk during addmaths , I snoozed during Sejarah , I enjoyed learning during Maths , I was blurr all through the way during BM , and i survived Economy. Yeay me (!) It was pretty much dull , i told you so. But i textedAdly all day , cause since his class was cancelled. I envy him for not having any class at all today , sheesh. But i pitty him cause he waked up at 7am for nothing HAHAHA sorry baby ;p Nina was still embarassed of Saturday's incident , haha i wasn't stalking you in Sunway for god sakes . We were on our way to the parking , it ain't our fault :p
I am missing Adly's hug , I'm craving for that chocalate cake Laila brought to school , I am hoping i won't be leaving Nina in 9 and move to SSAAS , I really really hope Adly can make it this Saturday and damn I am freaking sleepy , toodles.
Sincerely ,
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