Tuesday, November 24
Stand up
Tuesday, November 17
Raise your voice ,
Ariff is in McD right now , playing cards perhaps. I'm at home, lazing around in my room , on my bed with my laptop on my lap. What a fun day, pfth . Okay it's not that i don't wanna post anything , but it's just that i don't know what to post. I've been giving too much attention to Tumblr , sorry blogspot. Aaaa, it's raining , i wanna take a nap, goodnight xxx
Sunday, November 15
Get wet ,
I met up with Zarith, went to Jetty to meet his friends. Naim , Naim's brother , 2 guys and 3 girls ,i forgot the names , my bad -.- Then i met some othet people there. Went in and met up with Ariff(: in front of MPH. Teman dia carik buku sumpah annoying , suruh tanya taknak tanya , hish. I bumped into Airene, Wawa, Rose, Nick, Ema, Bella. It was freaking packed. I was thankful to get a call from my baby Amaa :) She was with her ex hihi. 4 of us just sat there in front of A|X for quite long. I met Fauzan haha setahun dah tak jumpa dia , serious rindu gila :') I also met Ferd, Anep, Rahman, Mush, Ayang, Thariq, Naddy, Teha, Eryn, Syed, Wan, Alepo, Laila, Fielza, Fir, Shidi, Apis, Fiera, Wanie, Farah and some other people i can't really recall right now. I was happy to see Nina but at the end of the show , pfthh -.- I saw Aiman Monir, so went to him then suddenly i saw Akmal a.k.a botak haha. Yeah , met tons of people , it was great since it's been ages since i last went out and socialize. The performance was great , spending time with Ariff was the best, the rain made us wet and look freaking sakai haha. But what ever it is , i still had fun , haha :)
Friday, November 13
Take five,
I was trying to sleep at 3.30am cause Dzul said we should go off together , i agreed but sooooomebody wanted to stay a bit longer. Until 4.15am , i couldn't take it so i told him i'm off to bed. Uhh i was wrong , Apit had to call at that late hour. He got a free call , no it is not his birthday today lol , he got it for no reason , babi ah Hotlink , nak jugakkk.
I felt like i slept only for 5 minutes. 9.15a.m sharp my sister woke me up and asked me to get ready. I was like whaaa ? She said we're off to KL , damn it. We went for breakfast then shoot for KL. We stopped in Sungei Wang, as i stepped in i saw some gorgeous shoes. It was a white gladiator wedges zipped up at the back and it was above the heels. But mummy told me to be patient, we'll be spending more during Boxing Day later in UK. Waitt , did i tell you i'm off to UK for 3 freaking weeks in december ? Well yeah , i am -.- I'm gonna miss 3 parties , pfthhh whatever , at least i get to shop haha. Uhh back to today, we shopped a lot , i mean like A LOT. I got my self 2 skinnies , 1 tights , 3 tops , 2 sleeveless , 4 long sleeves, 1 belt and a cardigan some more hihi. I love you mummy <3 Today was very tiring , now i just want to sit back and relax or maybe sleep , seriously i am hell sleepy.
Aten and Tyka , i miss you babies. Weyna , be ready for me next week. Syra , Cheras is not that far from Bangi hihi. Nina , sorry i couldn't make it today , sobsob. I love you girlfriends <3
Saturday, November 7
Forgive me ,
Sunday, November 1
Huff and Puff
So i came home tired as ever , went online and there was Ariff greeting me , yeay (: And suddenly AimanMonir said hi also, and then so did Zarith. Had a short chat , took my shower and waited for Meme to send me to Azra's. While i was waiting at the couch, yeah go figure, i fell asleep for an hour. Mama woke me up and off to her house. Met her mom who was quiet ill, and then Idzhar came pick us up, and picked Ayie up on the way. We went to McD for something to eat , hell yeah we were hungry. So me and Azra were talking talking talking about a certain someone , hihi then we laughed our ass of over something i can't mention here. Got our food and off to the Section 12 Helipad. We ate our food so me and Azra went out and sat by the car, having some ciggs. Then suddenly Ayie looked at us with a very blurr face and his mouth half opened, revealing the BigMac he was chewing. Not only that , he also had Mayonnaise all over his mouth. It cracked us up by just looking at him. And suddenly my mind turned dirty, BAHAHA yeah i'm gonna keep it to myself , Dah sedaaaap kan Idzhar ;p So they dropped us at DE , and there i met Shidi, Mazrul and Apis. Yeah i wanted to laugh looking at the two bald heads, hihi i miss them though awww. Then Azra tagged along to come home with me , we had our burgers again , and brother sent her home :)
Ordinary , plain , dull yet full of laugh. Yeah , what a day .
Sunday, October 25
We've made it
Sunday, October 18
Empty jar ,
I would like to say thanks to Haziq , yes the very helpful yet caring and kerek cousin of mine . And the very loving friends , Azra Nina Nayim Zul Syra Faris Anith Rahman Akmal Appl Saby Amaa and Siti. Yeah they have been here for me all the way and i really , i mean REALLY appreciate it from head to toe , inside and out. I have no idea in what other ways to say thank you. Haziq has been here with me day and night , hearing to me babble , helping me through misery , and giving me advices and cheering me up in a very kerek way. Azra , Nina , Syra , Anith , Saby , Appl , Siti and Amaa are rocking girlfriends that gives me advices and lift my spirits up all the way. Nayim Zul Faris Rahman and Akmal , hoyeah hero lah katanya ahaha. They've been supportive and caring , too much actually. I love you guys to bits , thanks for being there for me♥
Friday, October 9
Sunday, September 27
Time to go ,
I'll be away to Melaka for 3 days, Sunday till Wednesday that is. Crash course with dearest Mother. All I'll be doing for now is study , either it's enough or not , who knows. At least i try , right ? :)
Nayim and Asyraf , don't miss me too much okay hahahahhaa .
PMR is like around the corner so i'll also be away till 13th of October, crap (!) Wish me luck people.
To anyone i've ever done anything wrong , harsh words or stupid act that might hurt your feelings in anyway , i would like to say sorry from head to toe, inside and out. Forgive me alright , and do wish me luck .
So , i repeat , I WILL BE AWAY TILL 13th OCTOBER , sobsob (!)
Saturday, September 12
Suck it up ,
Take a walk ,

Monday, September 7
Gibberish ,
Sunday, September 6
Wednesday, August 26
Look up high ,
The words are deep and yet so meaningful. It's not like any other gibberish songs. And i dedicate this so someone , someone like you , E♥
I can't seem to believe that you ever cared for me .
Tuesday, August 18
Take a hike ,
Excuse me ,
Sunday, August 16
Synchronize time
Look up and down ,
Going up
2 days has passed and 4 more days to go. Trials has been a massive headache. Thank god i could answer my maths paper smoothly , not that smooth but literally. I could swear i felt like sleeping through out all the extra time i had but i couldn't , cause i felt like rechecking the papers. Lucky me i found several mistakes and i was lucky enough to redo everything. Yeay me. The clock ticking seemed pretty loud , maybe cause i couldn't wait till this freaking trials is over. Can't imagine when PMR is dead and gone, wait maybe i can... yeah i can see me running around and screaming 'im free!' all over again. Can i please have a time machine ?
Saturday, August 15
Saturday, August 8
Bitch on the role ,

Life has been great , just smooth and steady perhaps , although there were several bumps i had to go through. Whatever , i'm still standing , yeay me. My daily partner are now exercise books , yeah Maths , Sejarah , Agama , Geo and Science , i liiiike , NOT haha. Trials is just 4 days away and yet i'm still not ready, DIE DIE DIE (!) I've got back on track with people i really need, and those who are not that important , you may go. Why would i need these assholes spoiling my mood everyday ? I love being me and i love them who are around me now. I don't need anyone else but them. I moved to the front of the class so no more texting during Sejarah , boo hoo :(
It was nice to spend time with Azra for 3 days , seriously i really want to take care of her, but someone keeps getting in the way, wonder who that is :) At 4++am last night i called Bo , just to see how's E doing , and suddenly he said " eh dia carik you tadi , dia mintak number you kt i " I was like "oh skrng baru nak carik lah , tukar number bukan reti nak bgtau , dah sebulan baru lah nak carik , terbaiiiik " then Bo membebel tah apa tah , and he asked me to call E. And so i did. He was suprised and he wanted to see me , and so Raff drived me and Azra to 7E to buy Maggi and we waited for E for several minutes and he arrived. He met Raff , tehee. Haprik and Boy was also with him , they were drunk. Stupid drunk monkeys. I'm glad E came back after all this while i've been waiting. I love you , thats what he whispered in to my ears (: woot , i'm so going to keep you.
This section is for this certain someone. Dear bitch, you have been getting on my nerves and i've been too nice with you. Don't screw this up or else you'll regret you ever were in Shah Alam. Fuck all your so called goody goody two shoes words , cause you're a selfish stuck up wanna be biatch. I'm tired of people coming to me talking about you and asking stuffs cause they think i'm you're freaking bestfriend , pfth not even close 'buddy' . Aku kesian kat kau , paham tak ? Aku kasi muka , kau pijak kepala. Macam pukimak tau tak perangai tu. You and you're shitty attitude can get the hell out of Shah Alam and take your dad with you. He's nothing but a stuck up too.
Friday, July 24
Life's stresses
Tuesday, July 21
Stop , drop , roll
Thursday, July 9
Once upon a fairytale
Okay, on monday i met E. He came to see me at Iera's house. Hell yeah , i missed him alot. I followed him to see his manager, he wanted some cash. I'm still not used to his bald head hahaha. I miss F also , it's been a week since i last met him. Hmm , hope to see you tonight. Today , Bo came to Iera's house to see me. How sweet of him , i know haha. And he gave me 10bucks , woot ! I love you Bo♥ hahaha. We talked a lot since it has been ages since we actually sat down together and talked. He had loads to tell and so did i. I can always count on him.
PMR is in less then 3 months , what am i doing now? Wasting my time doing nothing. Yes , i want to work harder but i never seem to try. I don't know why. Come on Icky , you know you can. *screams* Trials in 5 weeks , and i can't even get A for Sejarah , BM and Maths. Stupid youuu, go do some reading ! No offense , i'm talking to me. Now there's really something wrong with me, haha. E is calling , later.
Friday, July 3
Biiitch (!)
Wednesday, July 1
I've got you now ,
Tuesday, June 30
Dooms day
Nothing ,
Saturday, June 27
Friday, June 26
Swine ,
Oh , Michael Jackson is dead. Yikes , sobsob. Really sad , i loved his music though. It was all over the news. Tragic. Guess who i found out from ? Faeq :) The first thing he texted me when i woke up, kinda weird though. Haha. Azra and Fiera sleeping over for 2 nights was awesome , kinda feel lonely and quiet without them. Pictures will be uploaded.
Friday, June 19
Adrenaline rush ,
I wonder ,
Wednesday, June 17
Sayang ,
Empty heart, rolling roller coaster ride, this is how i wreck myself inside, i am tired of being myself, i am tired of being someone else, and i am tired of being here. Shake the bottle, twist the cap, smash it hard, to the ground, hit the mud, cut your ears, see how it turns in a different way, none alike you thought it should be. First, i said i’ve got nothing to live for, she replied, "no." Then, i asked her what that i’ve got to live for, she said, "no, you’re wrong." I am running backward hoping for somebody to catch me before i fall down, before i drown. And we swim to the shore, days come and go, i’ll love you, you will love me, thats all that we need, fuck off everything, we believe in jealousy, i can live but i wish i could die, not yet. Sayang, i am coming home tonight, we will let go everything, just to see how it turns better tomorrow, see i wonder how it could be anything stupid or harder than this.
Well , Pian and Zakwan was singing this song one night when we were in Section 8. And i recorded, i scrolled back to the videos i recorded during the holidays , and suddenly i loved this song. Lol , thanks Pian for telling me the title :) It's deep though. Heee , enjoy. Cheers !
Let go ,
I just came back from camping last Sunday. It was in Genting , for 3 days. I really didn't want to go. I wanted to beg, but i felt sorry for my dad, he paid big money for that trip. But i want to thank him for that. I had a lot of fun , so many experience and learned a lot. I achieved something i thought i would never achieve. I got an award for best leadership. I know , weird huh Icky winning something ? Finally hahahaha . We had campfire , karaoke night , BBQ . And during free time , we just spend time walking around the chalet , or just wasting our time in the hall , turning out loud music and good around. We were one big family. I thought i'll never find friends there, but thank god i found Rina , Ad and Nadirah (: Yeah , Rina is Adeeb's schoolmate , how freaky , haha. They had the same crazy head as i did. Yeowww ! Ahah. On the last day , before heading back to KL , we had these four obstacles. Fireman crossing , Gribbon crossing , Ninja crossing and Leg Shaking. It's this thing that we have to cross a river on a string :| yeah it was scary , but i had to face it. I was the fucking leader of the team , i couldn't back off -.- One hell of an experience. Go icky ! ahaha. And i arrived Shah Alam safely on Sunday, 6.06pm. End up with a really bad soar throat and annoying flu. Pfth.
I skipped school for 2 days , yeeha. Mama and Papa are away, but that's not the reason i skipped school though -_- I have an MC okay , legally hereeee. Yeah, i couldn't get my head up yesterday. So went to the clinic and blabla got an MC for two days. So that means i have to go tomorrow , bummer. Sick of school cause of Miss you-know-who (: HAHA whatever , she creeps me out anyways. That's all, toodles <3
Tuesday, June 2
Screwed ,
Sunday, May 31
Weirdo ,
I did nothing but just eat and eat and eat today . Call me fat , but i don't seem to care. Bahaha. Last night was too gay , and i hope tonight will be another night full of laughs. I need all this stress out of me (: I've got a weird friend, say hello to my new friend Asyraf. Yes he is so weird that i get goosebumps each time he speaks. See how weird he is :|
asyrf . says:
youu kn resah nak PMR
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
tak tengok tv ?
Icky , says:
haha babi , i taknak pikir pasal pmr for this 2 weeks lah ass !
Icky , says:
shut upp -.-
Icky , says:
tv yg tengok i skrng ni
Icky , says:
Icky , says:
my baby cousin nak tengok ben10 , mmg tak lah i tengok kan -_-
asyrf . says:
haha ,
asyrf . says:
ben 10 ?
asyrf . says:
best laa cerita tu sial .
asyrf . says:
dier boleh tukar tukar ,
asyrf . says:
memang tak tengok ah ,
asyrf . says:
Icky , says:
sometimes i wonder are you seriously 18
Icky , says:
asyrf . says:
hahahahahahhaha ,
asyrf . says:
i am !
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
Icky , says:
nah , i think yr a 10 year old stuck in a 18 year old body
Icky , says:
Lol , i pitty you boy
asyrf . says:
hahaha ,
asyrf . says:
yeah ,
asyrf . says:
i wish i was 17 again ,
asyrf . says:
pfft ,
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
bajet zac efron lak ,
Icky , says:
takyah nak perasan sangat ah kan ;p
Icky , says:
imma call you capcap
Icky , says:
Icky , says:
jangan tanya asal
Icky , says:
suka hati aku ah nak panggil apa ;p
Icky , says:
i am annoying , live with it (:
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
nak panggil i capcap ?
asyrf . says:
i panggil youu ,
asyrf . says:
crapcrap ,
asyrf . says:
okay /
asyrf . says:
asyrf . says:
Icky , says:
fakyu asshole
He is one hell of a weirdo , but he cracks me up. Bodoh , macam dah kenal 10 tahun , padehal tak sampai seminggu -_- Don't be too proud , i'm not your number one fan , yet :) HAHAHAHA
Sunday, May 24
Friend ,
Save a life
Monday, May 18
Saturday, May 16
Spell it for me ,
Sunday, May 3
Consideration ,
Saturday, May 2
Can you keep up
Megat : yo budak kecik , wassap berasap man
Icky : yo budak besar , you're still so very lame.
Megat : Aww i miss you too , *laughs*
Icky : Eh jangan nak perasan sangat ah kan, who's calling who ? aww i know you miss me , alolo
Megat : Okay shut up, dah bye
He actually hung up , for real. I guess he was expecting me to call back , too bad i fell asleep balik HAHA. So then he called back ..
Icky : apaaa ? *suara mengantuk*
Megat : Cibai you lah sohai , kau boleh tidur aku merajuk
Icky : boleh je , nyenyak doh *laughs*
Megat : Eff you mofo
Icky : i love you too
Then he was pissed , he said stuffs i barely understood. I told him about inhale and exhale , and so he tried. Goodboy(: haha. So yeah , he called to inform about A'an's suprise party. Again, a pool party , woot woot. I am glad it is AFTER midterms.
Icky : I've got a midterm to think about , why screw my head about HIS party. Go call Nasha , i bet she has brilliant ideas
Megat : You know i hate her , and chill you'll do fine for the exam. I got yr back , aren't i sweet ?
Icky : no , when you said you got my back , you actually meant " i'll be ready to laugh at you when you cry about yr bad grades " eff you asshole
Megat : Hey , dont blame me for being too cool.
Icky : i wanna puke , BYE
Megat : eh jappp ! answer one question only cann a ? pwetty pwease
Icky : Apa diaaaaa ?
Megat : You remember that skinnies Hannah gave me ?
Icky : yeah what about that up tight skinnies ?
Megat : do you think i'll look fat if i wear it for the BBQ ?
Icky : HAHA you gay ass mofo , stand infront of a mirror and go figure Einstein.
Megat : Fuck you , how ever can A'an stand you
Icky : cause i'm way cooler than you can ever be
Megat : sheeeeeesh , BYE
Icky : *Laughs* BYEEEEEEEE GAY
I love you too , Sheikh Megat (:
So my day was pretty boring , yada yada yada. I have to admit , Z really did dig the hole bigger. But heck, i guess i'm the fool in this case. Fuck, i love you still, Z )':
Friday, May 1
Despite the fact
- to die for gladiators
- 8 A's for pmr
- respectful friends
- spend a day without caring about people and just play guitar heroes
- waste time taking pictures on the rooftop
- spend a day playing in the rain with Aten
- sleepovers with Weyna
- Laughing with Tyka
- Crapping with Atilia
- Hug Anith till she turns blue
- Meet Fiqa , Virginie and Shela
- Shop till i drop again in Bandung
- Roadtrip with pals , no parents allowed.
- Genting with loved ones
- PD trip for new year.
- Spend a whole day in the beach without getting sunburns
- Learn how to play guitar
- Start writing and drawing again
- Find my inspiration for number 17 again
- Scribble t-shirts some more
- Bake cupcakes , cookies and cakes.
- Go merempit with Syakir
- odd jobs after pmr :)
- Dresses and tank tops , hoyeah
- Write songs again
- Text Syafiq Megat *sobs
- spend a day with haziq, hee
- Meet Ajeem in KLCC again.
- Get Audi's awesome sarcasm
- Figure out how to earn number 28
- Make Raes wait for four hours again HAHA
- Smoke ciggs with Azam, Ewan, Esfan and Afiq again
- Over night with Zakwan and Eddie again
Keep it ,
Note for you
Look up
Syakir finally admit his my one and only rempit , and yes he officially pronounced me as his one and only minah rempit. He's a newbie , so i have to teach him , ALOT :) hahaha. We're crapping in msn and yes i just have to laugh about this. Thanks to Rahman for listening to what i really wanted to let out for a long time. He's always the right ears for me to spill everything, yeap that's my son alright :) He still calls me mummy , yikes (!)
It's hard when you really need someone you can count on when all the pressure around you is just pushing you down to the ground and everyone around you is acting crappy, but the only people you can count on is so far away and you talk to them once a week only. It's really sad and it hurts real bad. I need them here and now, a s a p. I love you atentykaweynafiqatilia♥ Life has been a bitch. I have been a nerd, but a rebel at the same time, well less rebelious i think. Yes, it is the new me, hard to cope with but heck i have to live with it, cause it's me. Double duhh. Okay , i wanna nudge Haziq now , enough recording lah b, it's US time now , bahaha toodles♥
Tuesday, April 28
Too late ,
Yeah it was an ordinary boring day. Teachers still making Zzz's , babbling about homeworks and yada yada , pfthh . I am proud to say i got only Sejarah and Geography notes to do and everything is settled. Then i can focus on Sivik folio , lab report , hafazan and PEKA (: yeay me !
okay whatever , goodnight.
Sunday, April 19
New and Fresh
First i would like to say sorry to Mama for all the lies and all those times i ever cheat on you. I know i've been wrong and i know i've been bad. I know shouldn't have done all that and embarassed you in such ways. Second, to Papa for ever fighting back everything you said. You may accuse me and say stuffs about me that made me just think that i don't belong in this family. I regret my mistakes and i realize what i did wrong. I am trying to change, so please don't push me too far. Step by step, don't say i'm not trying hard enough. Nobody would push away that 8A's. And lastly, to siblings i could always count on. You've been struggling to understand me and make sure i won't turn out like any of you. I know i'm the one to blame. Life has been hard and studies has been very stressful, gimme time. I'm trying my best. Peeps and foes, call me geeky or call me freaky, but this is totally the new icky :) 8 A's is all i'm aiming for right now and yes there'll be unwanted changes. You know how it's hard for me to cope with changes, so don't mind me if i get too ego or emoshits. This is simply man, so fuck off -.- I miss going out anytime i want to, just laughing and crapping with people i wish to be with right now. Loved ones i miss the most at this very moment. Day and night i think back of all the times i was half free from this chaotic situation :/ But i guess i'll just have to sacrifice all that for this 6 months. On 16th October 2009 is the day i'll run out and chase back all those sweet memories or maybe create new ones *wink* Just wait for it baby, i'll be there. Just sacrifice a lil for family and most of all myself. It's for my own good. Wish me luck and yeah you'll be strong enough icky *sigh*
Did you ,
Let's look back,
Fatin Izyan Mazlan♥
This girl up here is someone i can never forget, someone i can never stay mad at, someone i can always count on, someone that never forgets me no matter what, someone i've held on to for 3 years♥ Yes, she is my bestfriend. Yes , we have been very far apart these days. Yes, i love her to death. No matter how far we are, she'll still be the one that will always listen to me. 2006, the year we knew each other. Somewhere around June or July, we started chatting in MySpace. Got so close that we were very eager to meet each other. And so, December came. I was having a movie marathon with another friend of mine, gave her a call and she came. She was having a fever so we didn't talk much. But the next day we met again, at the so-called-coolest-lepak-spot in shah alam, MALL. Yeah it was very lame. Then we got closer and closer. Sleepovers, holiday in PD together, late night phone calls :) And then came 2007, she was there EARLY in the morning on my birthday. She gave me a kiss and a hug to make me feel special on a special day :) And she spent the whole day with me, and i appreciated that. And we went through so much more. Thick and thin, good or bad. We still held on to each other. We drifted away for quite some time, but yet she was still there for me ♥ 2007 ended pretty well and came 2008 :) Yeah, more adventures and more crimes. Cut school together, played in the rain, sleeover and took pictures in the middle of the road at 5am, hanged out at rasta till our eyes were half opened, and the library :) Yes, and now i'm ready for a fresh start for 2009. Are you up for it baby ? :D I love you lahhh , no matter what okay. I miss you loads, and i hope we both can make it through PMR. All the best for you, lots of love xxx
Sunday, April 12
Okay so yeah, this week has been very stressful. Teachers won't stop nagging about folios and presentations. Damn it, what do they think we are? Lifeless robots or something -.- homeworks, studying, folios and presentations are filling up my schedule. Not even a minute to just sit back and relax my mind :| Not only that, parents have been very hard to understand. Ask me to get the folio done fast , but when i do it they say i don't focus on studies. And when i study, they don't put that in mind. But when i watch tv or play guitar heros , they'll say i don't study :) Such understanding parents ay? They say i'm grounded. Can't go out with my brother nor my friends, but do they bring me out? NOPE :) They expect me to stay home and not watch tv , go online and play games at all. Oh seriously, no one else to blame if i end up getting a headache during exams, just them. *sigh* Whatever. Something else happened this week , but i don't think i wanna state it here. Let's just let me and them who i told knows what i mean :) But other then that, i think i've been fine. Just need a break i think, just a short break won't harm anyone. Right ? :/
Friday, March 27
blab it all out
After Raes went back, Farouk came for a while to grab a drink and hanged for few minutes. Then he had to rush back to Shah Alam. I hanged in the office after that, going online and studying Science. I called Adam, and he came :) He hanged out quiet long , took pictures , had dinner with him, and i bought cupcakes for him , teheee . He was really inlove with the cupcake , he ate it with expressions , bahaha. After closing , we headed home. On the way back AyEffAyDee♥ called up, he wanted to meet me. He wanted to talk , he knew if he called and tried to talk about it i won't bother to listen. So yeah , around 4am he arrived, i cried after he went back.
On Sunday, was boring and dull. Woke up late , ate lunch , study Sejarah and then Aten called up , she was on her way here , i was effin happy though to see her , teheee ;) After so long , sheeeesh i miss her :'( sobsob. Then school started , hoho it was okay but yet i slept in class today , the last day of school for this week , haish . That's all i can talk about i guess , pretty boring ay. I gotta go , it's 4am and i'm fucking sleepy , gdnght <3
You know i hate you bitch :) and you should know who you are .
Tuesday, March 24
Here we go again ,
Friday, March 20
Brother from another mother ,
Icky : Come on just imagine it , if i was lying on the hospital bed , and only got 24 hours to live.
Raes : I'll ask my mom for the car keys and say " Kawan raes dah nak mati "
Icky : hahahahahhahahahaha okay continue , if you dah dekat hospital .
Raes : I'll go buy chocalates first ,
Icky : i'm dying and all you could buy for me is chocalates.
Raes : bukan untuk you , it's for me Hahahahhahahahahahhahaha okay now that's funny
Icky : shut up lah , i hate you
Raes : okay okay chill lah , i'll run up to the nurse tanya mana FATIN dini afiqah , and then masuk bilik and just stare at you.
Icky : just stare ? wow -.-
Raes : Dah la , i can't really imagine if that really happened okay.
Icky : ala why not , imagine je lah.
Raes : Cause i don't want to imagine that,
Raes : haha i dah agak dah , bodoh ah you.
Yeah, so yeah conclusion is , he's the best and yeah i love you brothaaa :D
P/S : i am not that bad Raes :) I told you so.
Monday, March 16
Shut up ,
He said : I dah suka you dari you budak kecik lagi , yes you form 1 time tu. Tapi you selalu ada jantan lain , i pon dah malas. So i pon taknak rosak kan situation. I dah la cepat bosan kalau couple , so baik kita stay mcm ni kan ? I sayang you (: You sayang i tak ? Kau jangan nak gatal mainkan aku eh .
Kau jangan nak menggatal sangat eh. Aku sayang kau .
Make a wish baby ,
March 16th♥
Happy Sweet 16 Wan Noor Faradawina♥
Well, sadly i'm not there with you. I'm going through shits which i wish to end now. Whatever it is , you're older now :) 2 years of friendship ay , and yeah still counting baby. I can still remember the first time we met, lol yeah terkejut gak aa you lagi pendek en ;p But damn, it's as if we've known forever. Then we got closer and closer♥ More sleepovers and more memories kept. Getting drunk at Fly.FM last year, laughing gas at alamanda, sleeping together in a supersingle bed, sayang you can dance ;p, our songs three cheers for five years, fall for you, bila rindu, i dont want you back, a lonely september & fuck you right back, go to kl in two days straight , haaa tarahal :) Damn , we've been through so much together. Our parents know each other and my dad wants me to be like you. You know the 8A's part. Hell yeah , even you want me to beat that. Sheeeeeesh, i'm trying my best if you don't notice lah kan. People people , about her. She's awesome , she's crazy, she's adorable especially bila buat puppy dog eyes, she gets bored easily so make sure you're funny and entertaining, she likes dunhill lights and KENT, she likes partying and dancing, she likes playing the guitar and she loooves ME :D hahahahhaha , i love you baby♥ Oh btw , eeeee dah tua !