Thursday, July 9

Once upon a fairytale

I've read something very true in Lola's profile. We seem to listen the bad side of someone but never intend to know the good side. We judge the outside of someone , but never seem to care about the inside. We sit and enjoy the pleasure of seeing people frown and miserable with they're life , wishing they had a better one. We prefer to sit and talk about someone who barely did anything to us, but we never realize the good things she / he ever did. No , this is not exactly how she wrote , but this is the synopsis though. How cruel can humans these days be. Cold heart and no sense of guilt. Yeah , that's probably it. I can't say that i don't talk shit , but maybe there's just a limit to it. Everybody needs friends , everybody needs some peace and privacy in they're own life. We do our part by not invading any of it. Easy come , easy go.

Okay, on monday i met E. He came to see me at Iera's house. Hell yeah , i missed him alot. I followed him to see his manager, he wanted some cash. I'm still not used to his bald head hahaha. I miss F also , it's been a week since i last met him. Hmm , hope to see you tonight. Today , Bo came to Iera's house to see me. How sweet of him , i know haha. And he gave me 10bucks , woot ! I love you Bo hahaha. We talked a lot since it has been ages since we actually sat down together and talked. He had loads to tell and so did i. I can always count on him.

PMR is in less then 3 months , what am i doing now? Wasting my time doing nothing. Yes , i want to work harder but i never seem to try. I don't know why. Come on Icky , you know you can. *screams* Trials in 5 weeks , and i can't even get A for Sejarah , BM and Maths. Stupid youuu, go do some reading ! No offense , i'm talking to me. Now there's really something wrong with me, haha. E is calling , later.


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