Saturday, January 3

Honesty and Sincere ,

Words are not just words you can give out to people without a meaning, not just words you can take out from a lyrics or quotes you find in movies or internet. Words have to be sincere and honest, and it's the thought that counts. Doesn't have to be fancy and full of rhymes, just say what's from your heart. Maybe to a special friend or your lover. Not that i'm saying it's wrong to steal a line or two from people, but wouldn't it be sweeter if you write what's from you and only you? Not something he or she may have heard or see somewhere else before. Unlike that someone, she just seems sweet but all the words she gives out, she stole it from somewhere somehow. Is that his view of sweet ? Oh well then both of them are very suitable for each other, both fake :) One is an asshole, a HUGE one. And the other one is a Biatch with a capital B. So yeah people, try creating your own words and make sure you mean what you say. It's not wrong to ask a tip or two from someone (:

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