Friday, February 20

Speed and jump ,

Merah is hot to go , H O T T O GO ! Aummmm ! :D

Hoyeahhhh , today only those who participate in long distance run ( 1500m , 800m , 400m and 200m ) went to the stadium. I was in 4x400 and so i did go. I was nervous as shit cause i didn't think i could do it , i really thought i'll end up crawling to the last runner. But heck , i was hell wrong , we got the gold medal babyyyy :D I was really counting on Wawa to lead the race , it'll be easier for me to keep it up. And HELL YEAH SHE DID IT ! I was about to fall when i did the second curve , but then i heard them cheering and i couldn't let them down :) So i ran to Ira and passed her the stick and i fell down to the ground and i heard people talking and stuffs but i couldn't open my eyes. Bahaha , i was in pain and i really wanted to scream but i cooled down. I was really happy that i actually made it through , teheeee. Just waiting for long jump next week, wish me luck people ! :)

I've been really busy with sports , cheerleading and studies. Haven't been getting enough sleep though , mother fuck :| My body has been cramping and aching lately , and i just need a day , AT LEAST a day that i can stay home and stuff my self with all sorts of junk foods and sit back and just relax , pretty please ? Bahaha , people , guess what ? Esok birthday someone aku sayaaaaaaang sangat sangat (: *keningkening* You know who you are baby , i love you baby lion <3 Hey ho people , i gotta run. I need a shower

1 comment:

Atikah Amir said...

awhhh yg last skali tu aku tahu sape *keningkening* haha ily pek<3