Sunday, September 7

Take me out ,

I spent the fucking whole day playing guitar hero , how interestinnngggg -.- Other then doing this freaking report BM , shyeahhh what a fascinating day for me :\ Did nothing , and yeah today was a down part , i hate it . He left :) Byebye A<3 You want it this way , be it . Sick and tired of people going in and out of my life , jangan nak pijak kepala sangat ah kan , tampar jugak karang . Apa lagi ? Other then guitar hero , report , babysitting , kung fu panda 7th time , Bring it on In it to win it , that's probably it :) DAH LA NADHIL TIDUR LAMA GILA BABI , hotak kauuu tidur setengah hari , and then confident gila babi ah kan cakap puasa , serupa takyah puasa lah botak . Bijak -.- Do i have anything else to say ? NOPE :) taa <3

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