Thursday, March 5

Pump it up ,

Hey ho (:
i'm suppose to be studying right now , but i'm taking 15 minutes to go online , bahaha. Well , 3 days left and it's sports day. Woah , it's happening so fast , it's already March ! That means PMR is also getting closer , shit :/

Speaking of sports day , guess what i really can't wait about ? The fact that i'll get to meet Weyna , Fifi , Fiqa and Danial (?) okay Danial tu sesat sikit , tah macam mana dia boleh sesat . Somebody explain please -.- HAHAHA , gila weh , semua nak berkumpul kat hari sukan aku gak en , tarahal , sayaaaaaaaaang korang ketat ketat ♥ I'm fucking nervous , if i mess up only one step , it'll be fucking embarassing , serious shit :/ But heck , i'll be going up to get my medal , hooray hooray :)

You know , this year sports day has been World War 3 -.- Semua kerja nak carik pasal je , benda kecik jadi besar. Nak gang up lah apa lancau semua nak attack rumah Merah , wtf -.- Bring it to the stadium , don't talk shit now. What the hell is wrong with them , i have no fucking idea , pegi lah mati .

Okay i am fucking tired , goodnight <3>

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