Saturday, July 3

When the going gets tough

As each second past by , you will age. You’ll go through life stage by stage. Childhood seems to be the best , you can roll in the mud , run around naked , and you won’t fall inlove and get hurt. Mummy and daddy reads bed time story , and tuck us in bed with a kiss on the forehead. You don’t have exams to think about , and all you do is sleep eat and play all day. You don’t have to think as much as you have to think at the next stage. Then you’ll grow up to turn out to be an adult , mature or immature , that depends. You’ll see chaos and massive hoohaa run by your naked eyes. There you’ll know even the person you think you can always count on , and that person you call bestfriend is the person that would turn out to be the perfect betrayer. Or maybe that person you seem to hate so much , is the person that’ll lend you a hand in the end. You’ll fall in and out of love , get yourself hurt with a very big scratch on your heart. You intend to find someone better to heal that pain , and the thing goes all over again. You’re gonna have fights with your bestfriend , and see that friends come and go. Getting hurt or betrayed will seem like the end of the world to you, and you’ll feel like jumping off a building at that very second. You hate getting hurt but you won’t even realize that you did the same to someone else. You’ll see jealousy and ego is the reason why World War happened. You’ll hate the fact that we don’t always get what we want , and you still have to live with it. You’ll blame people for your own mistakes cause you don’t want to be the bad guy. And then in a blink of an eye , you’ll realize you just wasted your lifetime being down all the time. Life’s too short and karma’s a bitch. So laugh all day , think before you act , choose your friends right , speak up when you have the chance and love like you’ve never been hurt before. Every second you spend by being upset and angry , you’re wasting a big amount of happiness that you can never get back. Yesterday is a lesson to be learned , today is a new chapter and tomorrow will remain a mystery;

I’ll cherish yesterday , as a lesson to be learned
I’ll live today , as the bright lights are calling
I’ll dream tomorrow , as i run towards a brighter light
Yesterday is kept , today is now , and tomorrow is coming.
I’ll be here standing strong , hoping not to fall .

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